Google's Questions...My Answers

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A/N: Hello, all! LuckyHolland here. I'm leaving today to drive around the country with my family a little bit for the next week, but I'll still try to update when I get the chance. Today I'm doing something a little different. Let me know what you think haha.

1) Because they started a completely different franchise. And he's almost certainly 99% better 😂

2) They reportedly realized they'd be better as friends.

3) Well, he auditioned because he's loved Spider-Man his whole life, but he became spiderman because he got the role (lol)

4) I suppose it was just the next step, since he was already a dancer.

5) See #2 haha

6) See #4 (gosh, these are repetitive!)

7) You see, it was never confirmed that Tom and Daya were ever actually together. People just shipped it really hard, so you can't really answer this one.

8) ....I have no words. 

9) Nothing to say here except for great grammar skills. Fantastic.

10) He was going  to delete his Instagram, but never actually went through with it, although he said the reason for that was that he was getting "too addicted". Kudos to you, Love, for the self-discipline.

A/N: So that was that...some of these were quite frankly a little sad 😂 but I really enjoyed doing this. Keep in mind that I'm still taking requests!

Love you xx

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