Competition and 30 Days

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Hello, my lovelies! LuckyHolland here. I've decided that I've really, really missed writing for you all regularly, so I'm bringing back the 30-Day challenge!!! Hooray! But this time, there's a twist. This challenge is specific to Tom! Now, I realize a lot of the prompts are the same as the last time, but I will definitely be picking different photos to give you all some variety. 

Even though this is is a 30-Day challenge, I probably won't be posting EVERY day since I have been extremely tied up in homework lately, but I will complete all 30 prompts eventually.

In addition, I'm proud to announce our next competition! You all have until July 5, 2020 to submit to me a drabble in my personal messages. It should involve either Peter Parker or Tom and the reader, and the limit is 2000 characters, so make it count! I will pick the winner on July 6. Whoever the winner is will get their drabble featured in this book sometime during the 30-Day challenge with a full-credit shout-out. This is a great opportunity for exposure, if that's what you're looking for.

Remember: No smut, please! And may the best drabble win.

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