Just Married

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A/N: This one's for @-Wildxstdreams! I adore you, Elle! Hope you enjoy.

"Hey, love! I have a request for the tom holland book! What if, y/n and tom broke up and y/n met up with an another person, and they started dating and he/she proposed to her and y/n said yes and then invited Z to their wedding and she invited tom as her plus uno, and he regretted letting y/n go and leaves the hall and Z follows and comforts him? I know that's kinda sad( ik its depressing) but I thought that this would be kinda good !"


That dress was supposed to be for me.

Every beaded pearl and strand of lace that framed the perfect curve of her waist was supposed to be mine. Not his.

Y/N floated down the aisle, clutching a bouquet of pink roses and baby's breath. The tulle of her skirt was so near to me I could've reached out to grab it. And I would have. I would have knotted my hands in it and grabbed hold...told her "don't go." But of course, I couldn't. I mean, look at her.

She looked happier than I'd ever seen her. She had that old sparkle in her eye and her whole aura was positively glowing. That was the work of the man at the altar. The man who wasn't me standing next to the best-man who wasn't Haz. 

"You okay?" Zendaya asked me, reaching over to grab my hand from the seat next to me. She'd let me have the aisle, but I was starting to wish I'd never come along in the first place. Of course, I'd agreed to attend the wedding as Z's "plus-one." I loved Y/N more than I could express and I wanted to be there for the happiest day of her life, even if it wasn't with me. Of course, I hadn't received my own invitation. I hadn't expected to.

Y/N and I had split somewhat amicably. The relationship had become too much for me to handle in between work and personal issues and I couldn't give her what she deserved anymore. That didn't mean I ever stopped loving her. Of course, I wanted to be there for her when she got married. And Zendaya knew that too.

But as Y/N reached the altar and gave her groom the same shy smile that used to be mine, the regret began to build like a knot in my stomach. Nobody realized I was barely keeping my tears at bay for an entirely different reason than they were. It's a wedding. Everybody cries.

The ceremony lasted but a few minutes and the reception commenced immediately. Zendaya had gone to congratulate the happy couple. I, however, stood at the edge of the hall, hoping to blend into the dozens of happy people. I was unsuccessful.

From where she was talking to Zendaya, I could see Y/N look over at me. She smiled. That put me over the edge. I gently waved and attempted a friendly grin. Yet somehow, my skill as an actor evaded me and all I could manage was a sad smirk. I saw Y/N's face sadden. She held up a finger from across the room, as if to tell me to stay where I was, and excused herself. Zendaya made an apologetic face.

I did not stay where I was. Not even for a moment. I set my wine glass down on a passing tray and disappeared into a crowd of strangers. I welcomed the fresh air as I stepped from the revolving door out of the hotel lobby and to the back garden. I sat down on a bench and buried my face in my hands.

"Hey," said a familiar voice from behind me. I quickly wiped my eyes and looked up. Zendaya stood over me, her eyes full of concern. 

"Hi." That's all I could manage. I sniffed and nervously checked my watch. Zendaya frowned and sat next to me.

"I know that was hard for you." She rubbed my back gently and smiled that magic smile of hers. "But I think you should know something."

"I doubt knowing anything will make me feel better now."

"Even so. Y/N told me she was glad to see you there. She'd wanted to invite you officially but her husband had declined."

"Mm." I nodded absently, staring off into space.

"Look, Tom. I know you love Y/N with all of your heart. But just because things didn't work out between you two doesn't make you any less of a wonderful person. You're the most amazing guy I know and you deserve to be as happy as she is."

"Thanks," I chuckled half-heartedly. "I just don't know how I could have possibly let her go."

"Right person, wrong time." Zendaya shrugged. 

"Yeah," I responded. Looking in through the garden windows, I could see the wedding continuing, completely unaware I had gone. I hoped Y/N hadn't been disappointed when she hadn't found me. Perhaps she was still looking. 

"You know, if you need to leave, it's okay. I'm sure she'll understand." Zendaya brushed some hair off my ear.

"I don't think I can stay." I sighed deeply, rubbing my temples.

"Okay." God bless Z. She never questioned a thing.

"Okay," I repeated. I rose to leave and took one last look at the party. "Give her a toast from me, okay?" 

"I will."

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