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Day 29- Idol cute face

This one was requested by @VioletHolland2013! Seriously. Go check her out. She's got a lot of really good material. I hope I did a good job with this! 

It had been over half a year since you'd discovered that your crush on Michael wasn't really a crush at all. Over half a year since you'd realized that he was just a pretty face. Sure, you used to think you liked him. But in retrospect, someone who ignored you and neglected you...someone who made you feel unwanted...you didn't like that at all, let alone need it like you had thought. In the end, it was worth it. It was worth it because everything that happened with Michael gave you the push you needed to finally fall in love with your best friend: Thomas Stanley Holland. 

Things were different with Tom. You'd known him your whole life. He knew all your secrets and your hopes and dreams for the future. What was more...everything you felt for him was entirely real. Paradise is what you would call it.

On April tenth, you dragged him to a party. It was one of your old school friends' parties and since you didn't really know anybody else, you dragged Tom along with you.

"Are you sure you want to be here, Y/N?"

"If I don't go, I'll look like a wuss," you mumbled in reply to Tom's question.

"No you won't, love. Let's just go home." Tom wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You could tell from the tone of his voice that he didn't want to be there either, but as you made your way up the front walk of the large glass house, you both realized it was too late.

The party was a blizzard of red Solo cups, techno music, and talking people. You and Tom, however, had found a nice spot on one of the curved sofas to cuddle. Neither of you were drinking anything. You both hated the party scene and with the particular crowd of people there that night, you had both decided that it would be best to stay sober.

"Shoot!" You whined, burying your face in Tom's neck. 

"What is it, darling?" Tom mumbled into your hair, nuzzling the top of your head.

"Michael's here. Whatever you do, ignore him." You managed to lift your head a little, but just enough to see Michael standing in the corner, glaring at Tom in an odd way.

"Deal, babe," Tom told you, pecking you on the lips. "Tell you what: I'm going to run to the loo real fast, but don't move. Do you want anything while I'm up?" Tom stood up off the couch slowly, stretching his back.

"Nothing for me, thanks." You gave him a sweet smile and he was off. Your eyes began to wander about the party. You stood up to go say hello to F/N, the host of the party, but just as you went a single step, you felt yourself get pressed up against the wall behind the sofa. "What the..."

"Hey, beautiful. Long time no see," Michael sneered. You were backed up completely against the wall, and his face was a little too close for comfort. You moved your head to one side to avoid him as best you could.

"I guess so." You attempted to break away, but Michael grabbed a fistful of the jacket you were wearing (Tom's jacket) and held you fast. "Let me go, Michael," you stated calmly, yet firmly.

"No, I don't think I will. You moved on so quickly, eh?" He growled, pressing his face closer in on yours. You thought of sliding down the wall and escaping from between his legs, but Michael was much stronger than you.

"I never liked you, Michael. And I don't understand why you're suddenly paying any attention to me." You squirmed out of his grip on your jacket, but he still had you pinned.

"Oh, you always liked me. I could tell. And you know what?" You could smell alcohol on his breath. 

"What?" you asked, rolling your eyes in a feeble attempt to look composed. On the inside, you were screaming for help. What was taking Tom so long? Oh right. The line.

"I'm gonna make you remember why." Michael smirked, then slid his hands up your waist and to your back. He pressed his face in on yours even further when...SMACK. A ton of brute force hit him in the side, knocking him to the floor.

"Get your filthy hands off my girlfriend," Tom grunted, angrily. He advanced on Michael, who had picked himself up off the floor.

"Like she'd ever love you," he wheezed. The party crowd had gathered in a circle around the three of you.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" They chanted. You knew Tom wasn't one to throw punches, but you also knew Michael would be more than happy to.

"Come on, Tom, let's get out of here," you told him, grabbing his hand and trying to edge your way out of the boxing ring that the crowd had formed around you. Unluckily for you, the people at the front held fast.

SMACK! The first blow was from Michael, strait into Tom's left shoulder. 

"No, it's okay, Y/N." Tom kissed you on the cheek. "Hey, Michael, don't you know it isn't nice to take what's not yours?" He hit Michael in the side of the jaw. The crowd cheered.

"Screw off, loser," Michael snorted. Then, with a deafening crack, he hit Tom in the eye socket. You gasped, and covered your mouth with your hands. The fight began to escalate. Soon, both guys were on the floor, hitting and scratching the bejesus out of each other.

"Why don't you just give it up already, mate?" Tom panted, socking another blow to Michael's face. "You broke her, so she came to me. Then I made her forget you ever existed. It's called the Better Man Project."

At that, Michael grabbed a glass vase off one of the tables and broke it over Tom's head. Icy shards peppered the floor. Tom groaned in pain. Then, something overtook him and he hit Michael over the head as hard as he could. The other man fell, unconscious, to the floor.

"Come on, Y/N." Tom grabbed your hand and, this time, the crowd parted easily, making it no chore for the pair of you to leave the house and go home.

Time-skip brought to you by Ned's LEGO Death Star...

Tom was sitting on your bed. You had the first aid kit. The room had been silent for some amount of time, with only the sound of you blotting away the blood on Tom's face with a washcloth.

"Why did you do that?" you asked hoarsely, your voice breaking the silence for the first time in minutes. You dabbed at the little cuts from the glass that peppered Tom's face. He didn't look great. His eye had gone black, his nose was bleeding.

"Because I love you," Tom shrugged. "And sometimes, you have to fight for what's yours." He winced when you closed one of his slices with a butterfly bandage. He'd stuffed the tissues you'd given him up his nose to stop the bleeding.

"I love you too," you replied, sitting on the bed next to him for a long, sweet kiss. You laid down, putting your head gently in his lap. "Just promise me you'll never do anything like that again."

"Then promise me you'll always be mine."

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