Halloween Special 🎃

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A/N: I'm back, guys! I'm finishing up "Supernatural" this weekend, so after that, I'll be WAY more active over here. I miss you guys so much! But for now, without further ado, Happy Hollandween!

You weren't a fan of the dark side of Halloween. You never had been. Sure, you liked the cute music and the season and the pumpkin spice lattes. And sure, you liked the fun decorations and the classic cartoons, but you. hated. being. scared. You hated the gory movies and the Halloween Emporiums, especially. 

Still, you loved the Halloween festivities and your apartment was completely decked out in twinkling orange fairy lights, cute little decorations, and sweet-smelling herb bundles.

 In the late afternoon of Halloween day, you were lounging on the sofa and watching GhostBusters while waiting for your beloved boyfriend Tom to come home from work. At last, you heard the door latch click,

"Hey, love! How was work?" you asked sweetly as Tom came to sit next to you on the couch.

"Boring!" He whined, pecking your cheek. "Hey, have you gotten the candy yet? The trick-or-treaters will be here any minute."

"Oh, shoot! I forgot!" You groaned. You pecked Tom on the cheek before sliding out from under his arm, picking up your handbag, slipping on some UGG boots and twirling the car keys around your finger. "I'll go and do that now. You sit here and relax before Haz comes over. Did you want anything specific?" 

"Nope! Thank you for doing that, love, I just haven't had time today." Tom gave you a quick kiss goodbye and you were off to the store for Halloween candy. You picked up a 3-pound bag of Hershey's Classics and called it good.

When you arrived back at home, the sky had turned black and little kids were scouting the streets, looking for houses to loot. Your porch light had not been lighted as of yet, since the candy hadn't arrived.

When you turned the key in the lock, the door creaked slowly open. You were expecting to find Tom on the couch, watching movies or sports with Haz, but the apartment was completely dark...not a single light lit.

"Tom?" You called into the empty house. "I'm home!" You set down your keys and shopping bag on the entry table and flicked the light switch. It wouldn't work. That's funny, it must have gone out. Maybe Tom went to go get bulbs...but he would have called me...

You advanced further into the apartment. "Tom? Haz? Where are you guys?" None of the light switches worked and you were beginning to get a little frightened. "Come on. Not funny! You guys know I hate creepy stuff!" No answer.

You turned the corner and jumped almost three feet in the air when the little motion-sensor black cat on the dining table lit up and began to sing "I Put a Spell on You." You let out a breath and continued into the apartment. The singing cat's batteries began to die and the song slowed to a creepy and robotic tone. You gulped.

"Alright, guys. That's enough, I mean it." Your voice wobbled as you spoke. You went to the pantry and grabbed a flashlight. Then, turning it on, you crept into your and Tom's shared bedroom. "Come out!" You shone the flashlight on the walls...red ooze was dripping from the ceiling. You whimpered fearfully. "I hate Halloween, I hate Halloween, I hate Halloween," you muttered to yourself. 

Suddenly, someone grabbed your shoulder. You screamed bloody murder and turned around. Behind you was a man with his face unzipped, hollering madly. He was dripping blood, holding a knife in his hand. You stumbled backwards into the oozy wall and looked down. Tom's upper body was poking out from under the bed, he was struggling against something trying to pull him under. 

"HELP ME!" He screamed, reaching his hand out to you. You grabbed it and pulled, but his arm came off. You screamed. Tom screamed. The zipper man screamed. Then, he and Tom started laughing. The lights turned back on and Tom crawled out from under the bed. He pulled his real arm through the hole in his shirt and high fived the zipper man.

"What?" You began to cry. Tom came over and wrapped you in a hug.

"Oh please don't cry, Y/N!" he chuckled. "It's only a prank! See? I'm fine!" He wiggled his fingers and picked up the fake arm from the floor. "It's fake, see? And the blood on the wall? It's jam!" He dipped his fingers in the ooze and held it to your nose. You sniffed. Sure enough...strawberry jam. 

"W-who's that?" You sobbed, still traumatized. You pointed at the knifeman. He pulled the mask off, revealing his face.

"It's me!" Haz chuckled. He stretched his arms out to you. You tearfully went over to go hug him, then cuddled back into Tom's side.

"How did you...why would you...you know I hate that kind of thing!" You shoved both boys hard in the chests, your senses finally coming back around.

"I got one of the special effects guys to set it up," Tom told you. "I'm sorry!"

"It was fun though, wasn't it?" Haz laughed. You shook your head violently.

"Why would you do that?!" You scolded your boyfriend, punching him in the shoulder.

"Because I knew you would cling to me later," he laughed. You rolled your eyes.

"That deserves some punishment," you huffed.

"Oh, I'm counting on it." He winked at you with a cheeky smirk.

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