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Day 15- Idol dancing

I hate the aisle seat. Especially on the tiny aeroplanes with only two seats to a row. Unluckily for me, that's exactly what I got on my 5-hour red-eye back home. I settled myself down next to the man sitting next to me. I can't tell you what he looked like, because I didn't bother to look at him. That would only make for uncomfortable conversation.

I pulled out my earbuds, plugged them into my phone, and listened to some music, completely unaware of the takeoff. I had been working since six in the morning and it was eleven at night, so before long, my vision blurred and I had to pinch myself a few times to keep wide-awake. No such luck. 

I didn't realize I had fallen asleep until the seatbelt signal turned off and the large ding startled me awake. What was worse than that, I realized I had been sleeping on the shoulder of a total stranger. I inwardly kicked myself, trying to bring myself to look at the random man I had just completely invaded the personal space of. 

"I'm really, really sorry about that," I rambled, "I've been up since 5:30 and I don't know what happened." I made myself make eye contact with the stranger. The inward kicking soon became inward cursing. I had just slept for (I checked my watch) two hours on the shoulder of Tom Holland. The Tom Holland. My face went bright red and I buried it in my hands. Tom only laughed.

"It's okay. I understand, really, I do. It happens to everyone at some point." I lifted my head warily. Wow, he was taking this really well. 

"Erm...thank you." I didn't know what to say, really. Instead, I pulled out my magazine and flipped through the pages aimlessly, not taking time to read anything.

"Hey, this is going to sound crazy..." Tom started. It took me a minute to realize he was talking to me. 

"Go ahead. Nothing's crazier than me falling asleep on your shoulder." I laughed nervously, then told myself to shut up over and over inside my head.

"I doubt that. See, we only just met, and in the weirdest way possible, but would you maybe want to get coffee or tea or whatever you drink with me when we get to New York?" He scratched his neck a little awkwardly.

"I...Wow! I would love to! That sounds great." I couldn't believe it. What was more...I hadn't even told him my name. "I'm Y/N by the way. Y/N Y/L/N." I held out my hand for him to shake.

"Tom. Tom Holland." He smiled at me, then went back to reading what looked like a script. 

Was I dreaming? I couldn't be. I had just woken up.

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