Faster Than You

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D5- Childhood Photo of Tom

You were sitting on a park bench, sketching the scenery like you usually did on Saturday mornings. When you'd started the tradition, you were a terrible artist. Your New Year's resolution that year had been to change that, and three years later, the tree in your sketchbook looked exactly like the one in front of you.

Suddenly, you heard someone jog up behind you and felt them peer over your shoulder. "Wow, Y/N! That's spot on!" You looked behind you to find your best friend, Tom, smiling down at you.

"Hey, thanks!" you told him, butterflies fluttering in your stomach at how close he was. Even though you and Tom had been best friends your whole lives, you'd developed a thing for him long ago...ever since puberty hit both of you like a bag of bricks. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, you know...just going on a morning run. But I saw the back of your head and remembered where you go every Saturday, so I thought I'd say hi." He tugged on one of your messy braids and you laughed. Tom came around the back of the bench and sat next to you.

"Well, I'm glad you did," you replied, putting detail on one of the leaves you'd drawn. "I've missed seeing you."

"Well, I'd tell you you could come on my run with me right now, but I'm pretty sure that wouldn't work since I'm way faster than you," he teased, nudging you with his shoulder.

"What? Since when?" you giggled.

"Uhh...since ALWAYS," he cackled. You made a pouty face.

"Okay, fine, Thomas. I challenge you to a race," you asserted. You quietly closed your sketchbook and stood up, stretching your legs.

"A race?" Tom clarified, raising one eyebrow. He didn't move from his spot on the bench.

"What? You don't think I can take you?" You began to jog in place. Tom rolled his eyes.

"Well, then, if you insist, m'lady," he resigned, getting up. "Where to?"

"Ummmm..." You thought about it a minute, tapping your chin. "To that tree over there and back," you said, pointing to a tree about fifty meters away.

"That's too easy," Tom scoffed, a little cockily. "How about we make things interesting?"

"What're we talking?" You were used to Tom's gambling by now. "Fifty?"

"Not even! I've got something better."

"Okay, let's have it, then."

"How about..." Tom started, waggling his eyebrows, "whoever wins gets to do whatever they want to the loser for the rest of the day." He struck a pose like he'd already won. You rolled your eyes playfully.

"Fine. Deal. Ready?"




"GO!!!" The two of you dashed off across the park. You were a good runner, and a fast one too, but after you'd touched the tree, strides still even with Tom's, he stopped pacing himself and sprinted ahead of you with superhuman speed, saluting you as he went past. "What?!" You touched the bench just a few seconds after him, completely baffled. "How did you...?" You were confused, but that was the least of your worries. What was he going to do to you?

"I'm Spider-Man, that's how!" he bragged, standing on the bench and doing an embarrassing victory dance. You buried your face in your hands. 

"So what are you going to do to me, then?" you sighed dejectedly. Tom hopped off the bench and stood right in front of you, so close that you could feel his breath.

"Oh, nothing," he toyed, "just this." Then, he leaned in and kissed you. For a second, you thought you were dreaming again, and blinked a few times to make sure you were awake. Tom, however, looked concerned.

"Is that okay? I hope that's okay. Are you okay?" He rambled on so much that you just ended up laughing. In reply, you went back over to him and kissed him back.

"Better than okay." You turned a bright shade of pink at the smile Tom gave you.

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