Backup (Peter Parker Imagine)

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A/N: This was requested by @milesfairchildsdrums! It was a pretty long request, so I might shorten it like...a lot, but I hope it's okay. I'm so sorry this is so late, love. It's been a rough few weeks.

Peter's POV

I missed Y/N. I hoped she was okay. I hadn't wanted to leave her for vacation. I knew she was unstable, however good she was at hiding it behind that precious smile of hers. I knew because it didn't quite reach her eyes anymore. I knew how she felt. Losing Tony had been hard on me, too. I couldn't imagine how it must feel for his daughter.

The only thing I still had left on me after Mysterio's attack was the necklace I'd bought her in Venice. It was a little blown-glass rose...her favorite flower. I'd kept the box in the pocket of my black suit just in case. I didn't care about the rest of my possessions, wherever they might be. I just needed to get the necklace to Y/N. I needed to see her smile for real.

I stumbled through the field of tulips, every bone in my body aching. My head pounded so hard I thought I might pass out, and it didn't help that my incoherent thoughts were racing through it at top speed. I had to save my friends. It was my fault they were in danger.

"Happy? Is that you?" I raced towards the man in the suit as he came towards me. I could tell he was baffled by my appearance. Once I'd made certain it was really him, I collapsed into his arms, shaking madly.

TIME SKIP: Brought to you by Goldfish Crackers. Don't ask why. I just felt like it.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do," I sobbed into my hands in the seat across from Happy. We had since moved onto the jet so Happy could patch me up. "I don't even know who I can trust anymore. Anyone could be an illusion."

"Well, luckily for you, I brought backup," Happy told me, smiling solemnly, but knowingly. I looked up towards the sliding door to the cockpit, curious if Happy had brought along Sam, Bucky, or Thor (not likely...the guy needed a personal trainer before he could get back in the game). 

My eye level automatically adjusted to look into the face of a hulking (no pun intended) grown man, however, I was more than surprised when I had to lower it to stare into the lovely, yet pained, face of the slight figure of a young girl.

"Y/N?" I oogled, blinking hard to make sure I wasn't having another hallucination. She looked horrified. 

"Peter! Oh my God, you look like Hell! What happened?"

"I messed up bad," I hiccuped, limping as fast as I could into her arms, where I attacked her in a bear hug that I'm sure crushed her ribs. When I finally pulled away, flustered and blushing, she was smiling...still not enough to reach her eyes, but it was something. "What--what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Happy told me you were in trouble and might need some help. I insisted." She tucked a strand of hair behind her reddening ears.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you. It's's been rough," I managed.

"It's okay, Pete. You have us now and we're gonna find a way to fix this." Y/N squeezed my hand reassuringly and grinned at me. The little flare of heat in my belly reminded me of the rose necklace I still had in my pocket. "You're gonna need a new suit by the way."

She was right. I looked down at the Night Monkey suit and noted several large tears in the material. 

"Don't worry, Parker, I can help with that," Happy responded for me. "Y/N, get us in the air? We've been hovering over this tulip field for the past fifteen minutes."

"Coordinates, Happy?" Y/N asked.

"London!" I exclaimed, remembering Flash's Instagram story I'd seen earlier. "They're in London." Y/N gave me a cute little salute as she hopped into the pilot's chair and took us into the air.

Happy brought me to a backroom in the aircraft and instructed me to use everything in Friday's database to create a new suit. As he turned to leave, I grabbed him by the sleeve. 

"Look, I want to say we'll make it out of here, but just in case something happens, I need you to give this to Y/N for me, okay?" I dug the little white box out of my pocket and pressed it into Happy's hand. 

"What are you saying, Peter? Give it to her yourself when you get back."

"Just...just please take it. Just in case something goes wrong. That's all I'm asking." Happy nodded at me solemnly, understanding the gravity of my request. He placed the box in his suit pocket and returned to the cockpit of the jet.

TIME SKIP: Brought to you by my lazy arse for not being able to think of a sponsor (Place any ideas below, please? I'm running low)

I watched as the illusions crumbled around me. Beck slumped to the floor, lifeless, and I realized with a sense of alarm that I had absolutely no idea what had become of my friends. I descended onto the Tower Bridge and limped my way through the wreckage, desperate to find any of them.

"PETER?! PETER! IS THAT YOU?" I heard someone shouting from behind a toppled car. Suddenly, Y/N popped out, dragging what looked to be a medieval halberd behind her. When she saw me, she stopped walking and her eyes widened. Then she burst into tears and ran as fast as she could through the wreckage to me. 

I threw my arms around her neck, unable to believe she was still alive.

"Are you okay?" I asked desperately, patting her down for anything that might have been broken.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay."

"Are the others okay?"

"Everyone's okay, Peter. It's all okay." She hugged me again, mumbling into my neck. "I thought I'd lost you too."

"It's okay. I'm still here," I reassured her. We held each other for a moment before she stood back, pulling a small gold chain from her pocket. "Happy told me this was from you."

I gently took the rose in my hand, noticing a few petals had broken off in the fray. "No! Oh no! I'm so sorry it broke! I got it for you in Italy because your favorite flower is..."

"A rose," Y/N finished for me. "That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me, Pete. And besides, I like it better broken. Now we'll never forget this."

"I...really like you, Y/N," I confessed, scratching the back of my neck.

"I really like you too," she responded, biting her lip nervously. Then she did something I'd never in a million years have thought she'd do. She leaned in and kissed me. Right on the lips. I stiffened at first, surprised, but soon relaxed into it.

When we pulled apart, we rested our foreheads against one another. "What do you say we go home?" Y/N whispered, brushing her thumb over the back of my hand.

"Yeah," I responded. "That sounds nice."

A/N: I hope this is okay! It was definitely a tall order and I know I had to rush it to fit into a one-shot, but I did my best! Looking forward to seeing you all more. 
LuckyHolland xx

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