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You were laying on your bed and facing the ceiling. It was early morning on a Saturday and you really didn't want to get up if you didn't have to. It was drizzling that morning and the misty light soaked your room in it's early glow from the large windows in the room that you and Tom Holland shared.

You could hear him in the apartment kitchen making breakfast. You smiled to yourself. Nobody had ever treated you the way Tom had. He was a perfect gentleman and the sweetest guy on planet Earth. You picked your phone up off the nightstand and scrolled through Instagram. Even though you were perfectly content, you couldn't help but notice that every guy who tagged their girlfriend in their posts called her hot. Hot this. Hot that. Hot face. Hot butt. Hot boobs.

Suddenly confused, you clicked off your phone and sat up criss-cross-applesauce in bed. Had Tom ever called you hot? Every boyfriend does, right? you thought. But as you thought about it for a longer amount of time, you didn't think Tom ever had called you hot. You racked your brain trying to remember a single time he had, but nothing popped out at you. Tom Holland, your boyfriend, roommate, best friend, and lover, had never called you hot.

You didn't realize, but your lips were pursed and your eyebrows had knitted together while you thought about this. Just then, Tom slid into the room in his socks with a two plates of French toast and a smoothie (two straws). He had the goofiest grin, but when he saw you zoned out with a fretted expression, his face fell.

"What's wrong, love?" He asked you, setting the food down on the dresser and climbing into bed next to you. You didn't want to tell him. It would sound stupid.

"Why haven't you ever called me hot? Am I ugly, or something?" You blurted. Despite your efforts, your eyes filled with tears. Tom looked genuinely concerned. His big brown eyes saddened and he took his warm hand and lifted up your chin so your eyes met his.

"I can't believe you would even think of saying that. You are the most attractive person that ever lived," he said with as serious a voice as you had ever heard. 

"Then why haven't you called me hot?"

"Because I don't think it's right. Hot's like a cup of tea or a grilled cheese. You're beautiful. you. There's nothing else that could compare to your beauty." Tom cupped your jaw with his hand and gently kissed you. His scent washed over you and you could feel every ounce of his love for you in the kiss.

"I love you, Tom."

"I love you too, Y/N."

A/N: So this one was really short, but I just remembered an interview where he said something like this, so...I thought it might be cute. Anyhoo. Kisses! 


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