If Happy Is Her

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D13- Tom Being Happy (something we don't see nearly enough of these days 😔) Also, only 500 more reads until you get to see the face behind the fics! I love you all 3000.

I know I've done a few things like this before, but @HedwigPrewett came up with this prompt a while back and asked people to use it, so here I go! Thanks, lovely.

"Do you love him?"


"How much?"

"Enough to let him be happy with someone else."

You sat alone on the curb outide the boys' house, unable to stand a second of the madness any longer. You just couldn't believe it. It was all true. And once you'd found out, he had practically begged you to come and meet her. If he only knew how you were feeling.

Thomas Stanley Holland had been your best friend your entire life (along with Harrison Osterfield, of course), but you had always secretly wanted something more. It wasn't until you turned eighteen that you realized what it was you felt for him. And six years later, it was still as strong as ever. Even though you were sitting heartbroken on the sidewalk, trying to make it leave.

Flashback--2 days previous:

The only person you'd ever told was Haz, and as soon as you saw the headline on your newsfeed "Tom Holland Quarantines with British Beauty, Nadia Parkes", you texted him immediately. Having not been to the boys' house once since the quarantine began, you had no way of knowing if the rumours were true.

"Haz...is the press right?" you'd messaged him with lightening fingers.

"Yeah..." he replied. "I'm sorry <3"

"Oh." was all you could manage. Then, when you told Tom you'd found out about the girl, he was painfully overjoyed and insisted you came to meet her. Which brought you to your present position...sitting alone on the curb, unable to stand being in the same room as the happy couple any longer.

"Hey." A voice interrupted your thoughts. You shook your head slightly and looked up. Haz was there, grinning down at you sadly. He had a glass of lemonade in each hand. "This seat taken?"

"By you," you told him, laughing once halfheartedly. Haz grinned and sat next to you, handing you your glass of lemonade.

"Thought I'd come cheer you up," Haz told you, nudging you lightly with his elbow.

"Ha. Thanks." You leaned your head on his shoulder and he leaned his on top of yours.

"I'm sorry," he muttered for what felt like the millionth time that week.

"I guess it's okay. I mean, she makes him happy. That's all I want for him." There was silence for a little while before you gazed sadly into the front window of the house where Nadia and Tom were playing around with the whipped cream on their milkshakes.

"Do you love him?" Has asked you.


"How much?"

"Enough to let him be happy with someone else."

A/N: Okay so that one was kind of short and a little sad, but I hope you liked it! Let me know if you'd like a part two and thank you all for being so supportive and sweet. Love y'all!

xx LuckyHolland

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