Be Alright

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A/N: Regretfully, we have another sad one today. But that's okay! Something happier is on its way soon. Enjoy, my lovelies!


I stared blankly at the countertop, completely and utterly in shock. I'd never believed in the phrase "heartbroken" before, but as I sat there on the barstool while she pleaded desperately with me to forgive her, I swear I'd felt my heart actually crack and shatter into a million little pieces. 

"Please, Tom. You have to forgive me. It isn't your fault, I swear it. It's mine. Please don't go off from this thinking it's because you weren't enough for me because you were everything and I..." 

The rest of Y/N's pleas were drowned out by my ears, sounding a bit like a crowd through your headphones. I wasn't going to well up. Not in front of her. I just couldn't believe what she'd done. Not Y/N...the sweetest and most wonderful and faithful person I'd ever known. I forced myself to hear her out at least a little.

"I'm so sorry, Tom. It was a horrible mistake but I swear it's not your fault. I just..." she paused, "I don't think it's fair to you if we keep seeing each other when I've..."

"Hmm?" I grumbled.

"When I've moved on," she said quietly.

"Yeah, okay," I replied flatly. I grabbed my coat slowly off the back of my chair, feeling myself going pale with stupor. Y/N looked at me with a look that might have been half-guilt-half-concern. "Right."

I made to walk over to the front door, but Y/N grabbed me around the neck and hugged me hard. "Please don't blame yourself, Tom. I know you will." 

I couldn't find the heart to respond so I just gave her a half-smile. I trudged out the door, which she shut behind me, and sat in my car for what seemed like hours. Y/N had cheated on me. It wasn't my pride that hurt, it was the fact that I'd given my all and it hadn't been enough by far.

When I got home, I stumbled into the flat and sat on the couch with a blank face. Just then, Haz came out of his room for a glass of water. He stopped in the middle of the hall when he saw me.

"What's the matter?" I don't think he realized the gravity of my emotional state until two minutes passed and he didn't get an answer. He came over to the side of the couch and got a look at me. "Tom?"

"Hm? What? Oh. Yeah. I'm fine," I told him flatly.

"Shut up! You're completely wrecked! What happened, mate?"

"Oh, you know. Y/N broke up with me," I sighed casually.

"What?! Oh my God, Tom! What happened?"

"Someone better came along," I laughed sarcastically, fidgeting with the television remote.

"Come on, Tom. We're going out for drinks."

"What? Harrison, I'm really not in the mood."

"I know. That's the issue."

A few minutes later, Haz and I had two seats at the bar counter in a little pub downtown. I was just buzzed enough to feel something...a horde of empty shot glasses set out in front of me. Just then, I got a bright idea.

"I know! I should text her," I drawled, removing my phone from my back pocket. Harrison shook his head pityingly and gently removed it from my hand.

"You should put it down, Tom."

"But I love her so much," I croaked, dashing down another shot of whiskey. 

"I know you love her, but it's over mate."

"I know," I sighed, rubbing my temples.

"Don't worry about it, Tom. You'll find someone else. Someone who knows what they have when they have you."

"Ha! No, I won't. Clearly, I'm a loser," I chuckled tipsily.

"Tom, be serious!" Haz laughed, rolling his eyes. "You are most definitely not a loser. And there are millions...literally millions of girls in the world just waiting to get a chance at you. Y/N said herself that this whole thing wasn't your fault. Don't get yourself down on it, okay?"

I nodded, feeling a little better. "Thanks, mate. I needed this."

"Of course. That crazy woman doesn't know what she's missing, eh?" He elbowed me gently in the arm.

It's true, I don't like to show my emotions very much, but I know I would be lost without Harrison. Who better than a best friend to tell you you'll be alright?

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