Woof (photo imagine)

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It was a brisk April morning and you had decided to take your Australian Shepherd, Luca, out on a walk. It had been three days since you'd last done so, and you. felt. awful. The two of you had decided to go to the emptiest park you could find. It was better that way since Luca had a habit of attempting to befriend every other dog she saw.

You were skirting the edge of the park, Luca's nose going crazy and you were hoping that you were early enough that nobody else would be walking their dog. Much to your dismay, a few seconds later, Luca's ears pricked up and she dashed across the field.

"Dammit!" you cursed under your breath. "LUCA! Get back here!" You shouted after your dog, running for her as fast as you could. Too late. Another dog was running towrds her too. The dog had a beautiful coat...blue-gray. The two dogs met each other in the middle of the clearing and were all over each other...sniffing, yipping joyously, playing.

Just as you reached Luca, the other dog's owner jogged up to the scene as well.

"I'm really sorry. She likes to socialize." You apologized profusely and struggled to get Luca back on her leash, not looking at the other person. When you finally had Luca hitched again. You looked up at the man and instantly freaked. Holy frick, that's Tom Holland! 

"No, really, it's okay. I shouldn't have had mine off leash either," he chuckled. Oh god. The accent. You almost died. "C'mere, Tess!" he called and Tessa padded to his side.

"I didn't think anyone else would be here this early," you laughed nervously, still unable to believe what was happening. Oh my god, my dog just ran over to Tom Holland's dog.

"Really, it's okay," he laughed. "You're dog's beautiful by the way," he told you, kneeling down so Luca could trot over to him and he could pet her.

"Thank you! Her name's Luca."

"Hi, Luca!" Tom baby-talked her. Luca was all over it. 

"Tess is really gorgeous too," you told him shyly. Tessa padded softly over to you.

"Thanks! She's a..."

"Blue staffordshire bull terrier." You finished for him. "I'm kind of a dog lover." Tom looked at you with a sort of amazement in his eyes. "I'm Y/N, by the way. Y/N Y/L/N."

"I'm Tom. Tom Holland. Hey, this might be weird, but would you like to get lunch or something sometime?"

"Y-yeah! I'd love that!" You replied, bewildered. Luca and Tessa went back to gently playing with one another. "We should bring the dogs too! They look like they've taken quite a liking to each other."

"I'd love that," said Tom. "Here..." He took your hand and grabbed a Sharpie from his pocket, then scribbled his phone number down just below your knuckles. Unerneath that, he signed his autograph. "Call me," He told you.

"I definitely will," you said, saluting him. 

With that, you went your separate ways, both amazed at the date you'd just gotten with the amazing person you'd just met.

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