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You were sitting in your bed, reading the last few pages of your Jane Austen novel. It was early on a Sunday morning and you had taken the opportunity to finish Sense and Sensibility. Just as you were turning the last page, you heard something.

It was a voice. At first, you thought it was coming from the streets below your apartment, but as you wandered the house, looking for which window it may have been coming from behind, you realized it wasn't outside at all. Hastily, you grabbed Tom's slugger (signed by the Mets) from its display in the living room and shouldered it in case the intruder decided to attack you. 

After exploring the whole house, you warily climbed back into bed, the baseball bat still in hand. That's when you realized the direction the voice was coming from. You tiptoed out of the bedroom and down the narrow hallway to the bathroom door. 

You could hear the shower running from within, and over this, just a sliver of a song. Did Tom have his waterproof Bluetooth on? You pressed your ear against the door and listened hard, but nothing was made clearer, so you cracked the door open just a little bit.

You held your head next to the slightly-open door and felt the steam that leaked out on your face. You realized that the stereo wasn't on at all and that it was Tom's voice you were hearing. You'd never heard him sing before, but it was a beautiful sound.

Tom was shy about his singing voice and had once told you he only sang in the shower, but you'd never heard him even since the two of you moved in together. You couldn't think why he could ever want to hide his amazing singing voice. Your heart was melting.

"But then I feel it move me, like a burning deep inside. Something bursting me wide open, impossible to hide," Tom sang. You recognized the number as "Electricity" from Billy Elliot. Tom's favorite. 

"And suddenly I'm flying, flying like a bird," you interjected, loud enough for Tom to hear. You hoped he wouldn't be mad at you for listening in.

"Y/N?" Tom asked uncertainly, sounding a bit embarrassed.

You creaked the door open enough to poke your head in, blushing. Tom had his soggy head peeking out of the shower curtain and he looked like he felt exposed.

"Sorry, Tom. I couldn't help myself. I just...why didn't you ever sing for me before? You're so good at it." You fiddled with the sleeves on your sweater. Tom's face went bright red.

"I guess I just get nervous singing in front of people now," he replied in a sort of mumble.

"Oh. Well, I'm sorry about...you know. I just wanted you to know how good you were." 

At this, Tom grinned. "Like electricity, electricity," he continued.

"Sparks inside of me," you went on.

"And I'm free, I'm free." The two of you finished together.

"You know, Y/N, it's funny...I'm not nervous singing in front of you." Tom turned off the water, grabbed his towel from the rack, and wrapped it around his waist before stepping out of the shower towards you.

"Me neither," you said. 

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