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A/N: I know it's early, but in honour of Tom's 25th birthday (holy crap...I fell in love with him when he was 19...where did the time go?) I figured I'd write a little drabble for my favorite song to imagine him to.

I want to be with you, Tom. I want to break all the silly stupid rules our parents set for us when we were children simply just because we can. Just because it's our life.  I want to leave the holiday decorations up until we're ready for the holidays to be over. I want to have massive slumber parties with all of our friends because nobody can tell us no.

I want to be in your life, Tom. I don't know how long I've known you but I should have timed it because even just a few minutes in your presence is so much more than I could have ever dreamed of getting...if it was even that long.

I want you to tell me all your secrets. I want to know every little detail that you can't tell the public eye. Like which songs make you cry and what sports teams you root for. Like what your taste in girls might be so I can hope to match it.

I want you to take me everywhere with you. To every family barbecue and every interview and every trip to the grocery store, for heaven's sake. I want to know you like nobody else does and ever will. 

Everywhere you go, people look at you and covet you and I can't help feeling jealous. I've loved you for five years now but I want to love you forever. I want to dance with you in the kitchen at night to my vintage music. I want to go stargazing and hold hands on the beach and split a milkshake with you. I want to make my permanent place by your side. Tom, I want to be your confidant. It doesn't matter that they've hurt us before. I'd go through anything so long as I get to end up with you.

I have my issues, Tom. My little quirks and the things that can make me unbearable sometimes. But I love you. And I'd give it all to you if you'd let me. 

Because I want you to whisper naughty jokes at me at the dinner table with your family and I want to always make a reservation with your placecard at the table. With every fiber of my being, Tom, I want to be yours. 

And I hope you know it.

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now