Heartless (song imagine)

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A/N: I got this request this morning...the person asked to remain anonymous, so I won't disclose their name."Can you write one with the theme of the song 'Heartless' by the Weeknd? Maybe she starts to notice Tom changing or something. Idrk. Thank you!"

"All this money and this fame got me heartless."

You got home from dinner with your best friend, Zendaya, almost dreading to see your boyfriend. He'd been the topic of your conversation that night. You didn't know what was happening to him. For the past couple of months, he'd slowly been becoming a completely different person.

He didn't smile much anymore. He turned down fans for autographs and photos in terrible ways. He didn't even do charity work or buy you little gifts anymore. 

You put your bag down on the kitchen counter, careful not to wake him up if he was asleep. Unluckily for you, he was still awake.

"Where have you been?" It was more of a demand than a question. You inwardly cringed.

"Out," you told Tom, disgustedly. You took off your heels and put them in the master bedroom of the enormous apartment the two of you shared. You loved the view...the whole west side was practically all windows and the city was beautiful at night.

"Y/N. I will ask you one more time. Where have you BEEN?!?" Tom's voice came booming from the other room. You sat down on the bed, attempting to hold your ground, but your boyfriend stormed in anyway, slamming the doorknob against the wall.

"Frankly, babe, it's none of your business where I was, but I was out with Zendaya."

"And you didn't think to tell me?" You looked up into the face of the man you'd once known so well...there were dark circles under his bloodshot eyes. He'd clearly been drinking again. Most likely the expensive cognac in the cupboard.

"I didn't ever have to before."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN  BEFORE?" he nearly shouted. Who was this man? Certainly not Tom. Not your Tom Holland. 

"Before whatever this is happened to you!" You yelled, gesturing Tom up and down with an incredulous look on your face.

"'Whatever this is'? This is pure deservement! Everything I have, I deserve."

"Well that's not true about me. You don't deserve an inch of me. Because you're heartless." You spat in your boyfriend's face. You didn't even recognize the crazed look in his eyes.

"Heartless? HEARTLESS?!? I'LL SHOW YOU HEARTLESS!" Without another word, Tom raised his arm and backhanded you across the face. His ring left a welt on your cheek and the sting of his hand made you tear up.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" You screamed at the top of your lungs, wiping away the blood dribble under your nose. You wept uncontrollably and grabbed your suitcase from the closet, laying it on the bed and stuffing it full of everything important you owned.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" Tom raged at you.

"I'm leaving you, Tom. And don't ever try to take me back after this." You pointed to the black eye Tom had given you, zipped up your suitcase, and stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door behind you and heading who knew where.

A/N: Okay. So I really hate doing these kinds of stories about real people who I know would never do something like this in real life, but for the sake of this book, that's what I did. I'd like to say I don't ever think Tom would do something like this. He's such a generous and sweet man. So, Tom, if you ever read this, I'm truly and deeply sorry for portraying you as otherwise. But I'm sure if you're reading this, you know better than to believe he'd act like this. Love you all.


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