Lips Are Sealed

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A/N: Heyyyyy! Happy Friday, my lovelies! Today's imagine is brought to you by the lovely char_rust ! "I was wondering if you could do a personal one for me? The basic plot would be that we met in a restaurant where I was at a fancy family event, and I catch his eye and we end up going out together, I basically then lie to my entire family for months about the fact that I have a boyfriend and that its Tom Holland." I hope you enjoy it, angel! This one might be a bit long, so hold onto your quacksons!

I doubt there was anywhere I'd LEAST want to be than Almondine. Not that I didn't like the was nice having food for once that wasn't from a microwavable paper box...I just couldn't stand my family.

Don't get me wrong...I loved my parents. And my little brother. But I didn't despise anything more than the yearly family get-together with my four aunts, six uncles (three on each side), their spouses, their parents, and their children. Seriously, when we went for the annual deal, we had to rent the whole party room to fit all thirty-six of us.

It was hot, it was cramped, and BOY was it loud. Not to mention the fact that I felt completely out of place at a restaurant that was clearly for people with money to spend on dim-lit, gold-lined rooms and small portions.

It was halfway through cocktails and apps when I left the reservation room to get some air of my own. I walked out into the main body of the restaurant. It was cooler in there and quieter stepping from the Sahara into France. Most of the people were talking with their company over sparkly glasses of champagne and their pearl necklaces or diamond watches. I looked down at myself in my recycled dress from my Senior Prom (which felt like an eternity ago) and my brown leather flats with the scuffs on the toes. I definitely didn't fit in. And I felt even more displaced when I walked into the ladies' room and noticed my rather normal-looking hair and self-done makeup. Who picks Almondine for a middle-class family's dinner anyway?

Frowning slightly, I exited the restroom and made my way begrudgingly back to our reserved room. However, I must not have been looking where I was going because I bumped into the shoulder of a man just taller than I, wearing a drool-inducing tuxedo and apparently on his way out to the balcony. "I'm terribly sorry," I ambled, feeling like a foolish poor-girl.

"Don't be! It's my fault. I wasn't looking." I recognized the voice immediately and my head shot up to meet the eyes of...yes...the Tom Holland. I choked on my own throat and nearly fell backwards into a passing waiter. "Are you okay?" Tom asked, reaching his arm out to steady me.

" be these heels I'm wearing!" I ambled stupidly. Tom looked down at my flat shoes and then back up at me and laughed.

"Don't be embarrassed. I fall over so much I've made friends with just about every floor there is." Tom offered his hand. "Tom Holland."

"I know," I replied idiotically. I mentally kicked myself. "I mean...I'm Y/N, Y/L/N. Sorry to bother you, Mr. Holland, but I was just on my way back to my gigantic family party and I guess I didn't see you." What was I doing? He didn't care.

"Please! I'm not your lawyer or something. Call me Tom."


"Out for a break, then?"

"Yeah. Actually, large crowds of people make me really uncomfortable. Even if I know them." Tom and I had begun walking together. I hadn't even noticed until we were out on the balcony, leaning on the railing.

"I bet you wouldn't believe it but I'm the exact same way! I've had to learn to deal with it quietly this, you know? No time for being shy anymore." I looked over at Tom. He looked rather wistful.

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