Lie, Lie, Lie

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A/N: This week's is coming a day early since I have a busy weekend. This one was requested by the lovely Lexie_Emma.

"I was wondering if you could do Tom x singer!reader where Y/N and Olivia Rodrigo are best friends and a singing duo, and they brought out 'Sour' together after Tom and Y/N broke up. Could it end with them back together at the end? Thank you!"

I loved this idea, but I will be gently tweaking it just for creative and rights reasons. Enjoy!

"All right, ladies, that's a wrap! Great job today," the producer told you, his voice muted by the speakers in the studio. You and your best friend Olivia gave him a big thumbs-up through the window and picked up your stuff to take a celebratory lunch.

Your first album as a singing duo had finally dropped and the two of you were over the moon. "I say we hit all the best bars in town tonight," Olivia laughed as she put on her denim jacket.

"Like a pub crawl?" you clarified, looking at her incredulously. Everyone knew Olivia was a lightweight and you were nearly in a laughing fit just imagining her stumbling from bar to bar after but a pint.

"Yes! Like that."

"I don't know..." you sighed, heading out the studio door and down the street. 

"Oh come on. What else do you have to do tonight, huh, Y/N? We've just dropped our very first album, it's already trending, and we have to celebrate! Not to mention you're newly single and haven't got anything to do on a Saturday anymore anyway." Olivia nudged you jokingly. You thought a moment.

"All right, yeah! What've I got to lose?" you laughed. The two of you had arrived at your favourite little restaurant. It was a small place with a patio overlooking the street and adorable French decor. 

Once you'd sat down to order, you began to think back to a month ago. You couldn't help it...your mind always took you back there when it wasn't busy. Tom. Was he mad at you? Was he okay? Was he with another girl? You missed him. You missed everything about him: the way he used to make you laugh with his silly faces, the way he'd look at you whenever you did something he found adorable, the way it had felt when he kissed you, the way...

"Y/N! Are you good?" Olivia snapped her fingers gently in front of your zoned-out face and you realized your eyebrows had subconsciously knit together.

"Hm? Oh. Yeah, I'm fine. It's just..."

"What's the matter?"

"Do you ever feel bad about the album?" you asked, cringing.

"What do you mean?" Olivia asked. She looked a bit concerned.

"I mean...some of the lyrics were pretty...brutal towards certain guys in certain relationships and everyone knows Tom and I broke up so..."

"Oh, you're worried people are going to think it's about him?" Olivia's face fell "I didn't think about that. That kind of press could kill your career."

"No! No no. I mean, yes, I'm a little worried about that, but I'm more worried about Tom thinking it's about him. I mean...I could live with the entire world hating me. I just couldn't live with him hating me."

"Don't worry about it. We never mentioned any specifics or any names."

"I know that, but what if he thinks this is my account of our split-up? Without context it sounds like I'm accusing him of...really horrible things." It's true, you and Tom had split. But it had been amicable. The two of you had just decided that, as much as you loved one another, being in a relationship was too hard on the both of you. Tom was always away and you had needs.

"Please don't think anything of it, Y/N. I'm sure he won't pay it any mind."

TIME SKIP: brought to you by my itchy weave (please help)

The next morning at the studio, you and Olivia were warming up when the producer's assistant came in.

"Miss Y/N? There's a visitor here for you." He exited. You exchanged a glance with Olivia. 

"Are you expecting anyone?" she asked warily.


You followed the assistant out of the booth and into the entryway of the studio. There, waiting for you, was an all-too-familiar face. You thought you might burst into tears.

"Y/N?" Tom turned around, shoving his phone in your face. You had to back up to see what he was showing you. Your album. You looked from the screen to Tom's face. His teeth were grit and his eyes puffy. "Why would you do this? Why would you lie about everything that happened between us?"

"No, Tom, I..."

"No, Y/N! That's not okay! You know you're in the public eye now as my ex. Everything you do or say will be constantly analyzed and I can't have you dragging my name through the dirt and lying through your teeth about the breakup." He paused. "I never did a thing to you!" Tom's eyes began to water.

"It isn't about you, Tom. The album. I promise it's just inspired by past experiences and I never even thought it could be taken that way until yesterday. I would never blame you for what happened. It was mutual."

"But the press..."

"Look, I'll post a formal retraction tomorrow and make sure everyone knows it's not about us. I never meant to hurt you, Tom, I feel dreadful."

"I wish I could believe you," Tom sniffed.

"No! I swear to you I'm telling the truth!" You were getting emotional now, too. "I would never intentionally hurt you, Tom! I still love you!" 


"I'm just sort of...slipped out," you rambled, shocked at yourself. "I should go." You turned around to head back into the booth.

"No, Y/N, wait!" You turned around to find Tom rushing towards you. He gripped your face as your bodies collided and kissed you roughly. When you pulled away, your eyes were shocked. "I never stopped loving you, Y/N. I never wanted to." 

"Neither did I," you choked, wiping your eyes.

"Then what do you say we..." he gestured between the two of you "give this another try?"

"Okay," you responded, still at a loss for words.

"Okay." He was grinning that beautiful grin.

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