Lazy Mornings

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Day 23- Tom doing a sport (golf because he loves it <3)

A/N: I'm back, babies! I'm literally so happy to be here you have no idea. that's all. love you!

You were gently roused by the slivers of golden autumn morning light coming in through the thin fabric of your drapes. It was warm and you stretched in the soft white cotton of your Egyptian sheets. Turning over, you faced your boyfriend, Tom, who was still sleeping beside you peacefully.

You stared at him for a little while, how his sides rose and fell with each breath he took, the light movement of each strand of hair that had fallen into his face during the night as he exhaled. Tom was perfect, you decided. How you'd gotten so lucky, you had no idea. 

You were overcome with the overwhelming urge to kiss him in that moment, so you inched yourself closer to his face, your eyes flicking from his closed ones to his lips. You paused only centemeters away from his face. You weren't sure why you were hesitating. Suddenly, Tom's eyes flicked open. A smile stretched across his face.

"Well, if you won't do it, I will," he chuckled softly. Then, he brought his soft lips to yours in one sweet and gentle motion. Perfect.

A/N: Sorry it's super short, but I thought it was really sweet and fluffy and I adore it and I hope you do too!

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now