Cooking with Tom

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A/N: AAAAGH! I'm so sorry I forgot to update yesterday! I have had SUCH a stressful week and the day slipped away from me. Here's another headcanon because I have no motivation. So, my lovelies, here's another plug for REQUESTS PRETTY PLEASE!!! You have no idea how much those help me.

What cooking with Tom would be like: 

*Tom actually really loves cooking.

*He loves trying out new and exotic recipes.

*He also loves making you romantic Italian dinners

*but most of the time these don't go as planned...

*Whenever you offer to help Tom, he denies anything that suggests he may need it

*(although secretly, sometimes he really REALLY needs the help)

*Tom likes pretending he's a professional chef when he's in the kitchen.

*He'll hang a towel over his arm and draw on a tiny moustache with your eyeliner.

*And you'll just laugh because you love him so much.

*Something Tom's surprisingly really good at, though, is presentation.

*His dishes are so pretty that a few times you've almost had him call up Gordon Ramsay on FaceTime to show him.

*But Tom is scared of Gordon Ramsay so he never does.

*And so the two of you have a lovely dinner.

*And usually then some dessert ;)

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