Kissing Tom

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D30 (The end!)- Favorite Tom outfit (The shirt from his live this year)

A/N: A headcanon because I'm exhausted and have writers' block! I hope you enjoy, my lovelies!

LuckyHolland xx

What kissing Tom Holland would be like:

*When you kiss, you kiss FREQUENTLY

*Because Tom is often away on business and misses his girl terribly.

*Tom's kisses range from short and sweet to long and hungry depending on what he's feeling.

*When you're alone, Tom LOVES to French.

*And you don't complain because who would?

*Tom has little scars on the insides of his cheeks from when he had his braces.

*He's pretty insecure about them, but you don't mind them in the slightest.

*In fact, you find yourself focusing on them quite often during kisses.

*The two of you have Spider-Man kissed multiple times.

*But the first was most entertaining since he fell off the table and you forgot how to kiss for a moment

*Your favorite part about kissing Tom is knowing how much you are loved.

*Because Tom loves you with his entire being and uses kisses to show you just that.

A/N: Sorry it was short, but I hope it was enjoyable, anyway! Just wanted to say thank you for 60k views! We just hit that today as well as 1k votes! Thank you all for your support.

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