Never Been Kissed

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Day 7- Idol SHIRTLESS (yum)

I woke up late, thankful it was a Saturday. The week had been long and tiring and I hadn't slept well since the month before.

I threw on an oversized t-shirt and padded barefoot into the kitchen, attempting not to wake my roommate as I tiptoed past her bedroom. I poured myself a mug of tea and sat down at one of the barstools at the counter to check my phone.

I had 12 text messages. Strange, since most of my friends called me. I opened "Messages." No surprise, it was Tom. 




Damn, are you still asleep?



Etc, etc, etc.

I shook my head at the thought of my best friend and quickly shot him back, "Jeez, Tom! Just call me! " In a few minutes, I got my wish as the Spider-Man theme song rang out in my silent kitchen. Cringing, I shut off my ringer and listened to see if R/N was still asleep.

"Hey, Y/N! I've been wanting to talk all morning!" Came Tom's voice from the other line.

"Yeah, I could tell," I laughed.

"I need to take Tess out for a walk...I was wondering if you wanted to meet at the park and make my life a bit more interesting."

"Of course! I'll be there at noon," I said, writing it down on the back of my hand with a pen that happened to be lying nearby.


Noon rolled around, and, obviously, I was there early. I was propped up against a tree, looking around for my best friend.

"Boo!" Someone whisper-shouted in my ear. I jumped, then turned around and punched Tom in the shoulder.

"Shut up!" I whined, annoyed at his laughter. "You know I scare easily."

"That was the point," Tom told me. We started on our walk around the park. Tessa trotted around, sniffing everything in sight.

"So what's been going on in your life?" Tom asked me. I shrugged, not really wanting to talk about it.

"Not much. I really hate work right now, though. It just feels like I'm being completely overworked and underappreciated. Not to mention I work until ten every night." I watched Tom screw up his face in sympathy. "Anyway, enough about me. What's going on with you?" I asked, hoping whatever Tom said would be slightly more uplifiting.

"Nothing really, I guess. Haz and I got into a silly argument last night, though. He doesn't think that kissing makes relationships any better, but I do."

I felt my heart lurch. "Oh," I said.

"What do you think?" Tom beckoned for Tess to come closer. I just shrugged.

"Well, I don't know."

"No seriously! Who's right? Don't worry, I don't think either of us will get offended."

"I don't actually know. I've never been kissed." I answered honestly, used to the habit of telling my best friend the truth. But as soon as I'd said it, I slapped my hands over my mouth, inwardly cursing myself out. I'd just told my biggest secret. Tom stopped walking.

"What?" He looked at me incredulously. My heart dropped into my toes while the embarrassment set in.

"IjussaidIdneverbeenkissed," I mumbled.


"I just said I've never been kissed, okay?!?" I shouted, instantly regretting the way I'd just spoken to Tom. "I'm sorry," I told him in a softer tone. 

"I just can't believe nobody's ever kissed you! Just look at you! You're smart, funny, sweet, kind, and beautiful. You're absolutely perfect, Y/N!" Tom still looked stunned. I blushed.

"Well, um...thanks, but it's true." I looked down at my toes and started to keep walking, but Tom grabbed my wrist and gently pulled me back. I managed to look up at him. There was this weird sort of determination in his eyes.

"Then we have to fix that." Without warning, Tom pulled me into his body, one of his hands gently supporting my jaw, the other one around my waist. At first, I was completely surprised, but then the tingling feeling took over. I closed my eyes and started kissing him back.

One word to describe it would be warm. It was warm. The kiss was sweet, but also passionate and hungry. Tom's lips were soft and tasted like Chap-stick. I was bewitched. When at last we broke apart, I was heartbroken, knowing the kiss was just out of pity and meant nothing to him.

"What's wrong?" Tom cooed, stroking some hair out of my face. 

"I just..." NO. I was not going to tell him how I was feeling.

"I wasn't bad was I?" Tom looked genuinely concerned.

" was...perfect." I admitted. "That's the problem." Tom gave me a questioning look. "I mean...It just makes me really sad that you didn't mean anything by it," I choked on the lump of tears in the back of my throat.

"What do you mean, Y/N? That kiss meant everything to me! I have loved you since before I can remember. I was just scared you wouldn't feel the same."

"Really?" I looked up at him. He nodded. "I love you so much," I said.

"I love you too," he told me. Then he did it again.

Two kisses in one day. Is that lucky or what?

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