10 Things You Might Not Know About Tom Holland

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Day 17- Idol in black

1. He's a Gryffindor

2. He can "totally shred" on guitar

3. He's broken his nose 3 times

4. He has a (not so) secret crush on Elizabeth Olsen

5. He's dyslexic (and possibly a demigod?)

6. He's part Irish

7. He has the Spider-Man emblem tatooed on the bottom of his foot

8. He is most definitely NOT a cat person

9. He went to the same school as Adele

10.  He was supposed to have a role in Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

A/N: So this one was really short, but it's my mum's birthday today, so I want to hang out with her more. Apologies!

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