On the Happy Couple...

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I can't believe I'm even having to post this, but I guess the Hollander fandom needs this message. Tom and Nadia are together. Period. There's no changing it, and there's no reason we as a fandom should want to.

I guess I'm going to share my personal story here for a minute. I fell in love with Tom as an actor and a person over five years ago. Two years ago, I got into a really nasty place. I've always been the sort of person to help others even when a) they don't deserve it and b) even though I don't give enough energy to myself. None of my closest  friends even realized I was slowly fading and there were days when I didn't think I could make it to the next, but the ONE SINGLE CONSTANT in my life was Thomas Stanley Holland. Had a bad day? Watch his interviews. Felt bad about myself? Scroll through his Instagram. Even on days when I thought smiling was impossible, the thought of Tom always made me feel better. He made me happy. 

In certain ways, Tom saved me. And though I wish more than anything I had time enough to tell him this when I met him, I did not. But he gave me an incredible gift: Happiness. And he deserves the exact same thing.

If Nadia makes Tom even half as happy as he makes me, there is a tremendous and special place in my heart for her. And it's natural to be jealous. Let yourself feel however you feel about this. But, above all, be happy for Tom. Because he's happy. And if we're real fans, we'll rejoice over this instead of denying it or wishing nasty things upon their relationship. 

Here's to the happy couple. 🍸

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