100 Parts Q&A Special!

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I just want to thank you all so much for all your love and support! This is our 100th chapter! I wouldn't have gotten here without you. I've gotten some wonderful questions from all of you, and I won't keep you any longer! Here are my answers:

@7London7 Asks: "Out of all of the Marvel movies Tom has starred in (cacw, homecoming, iw, endgame, ffh) which one is your favorite and which one is your least favorite?"

Ooh! That's a hard one. I think Homecoming would probably be my favorite since that's kind of where it all started for me but as for my least favorite I'd have to say Infinity War since I cried BUCKETS during that film (Diehard Marvel fan over here...)

Anon Asks: "What is the most embarrassing piece of Tom merch that you own?"

Well, I'm not really embarrassed by any of my Tom stuff but the thing I think is most obsessive is the matching tea mug, yoghurt bowl, and cake plate that I painted myself...they all have Tom's face on them...maybe I'll show you sometime!

@Potterhead2005 Asks: "1. Favorite thing besides The Beatles and Tom Holland? 2. Favorite Subject? 3. Any of your real-life friends on Wattpad? 4. Do you cuss (at least once)?"

1. Hm...that's tricky since I have a lot of favorite things, but I assume we're talking about fandoms, so I'd say either Harry Potter or BBC Sherlock. They're the best!

2. It used to be English since I love to write, but my teacher kind of sucks this year, so I'd have to say Orchestra.

3. Yes! I have a few real-life friends on Wattpad, but I'm not sure if they'd want me to list their users. The names of my besties on here are Erika and Caroline, though.

4. Hahaha, I do sometimes, but I try not to. Usually, it's when I break something or hurt myself really badly, but I am known to use the lessers (i.e. Damn, Hell) more often.

Anon Asks: "What is your biggest insecurity?"

Oooh...that's tough. Probably my weight. I'm not overweight AT ALL, but I am what you modern folk might call slim-thicc, which is really hard for me because I've always hated my thighs. Granted, I'm a dancer and a swimmer, so it's not all fat, but I just really don't like them.

Anon Asks: "Who are all of your fictional husbands? (You know, like your crushes and stuff)."

OH YES! I am really excited about this question actually. There's a lot, so bear with me.

George Weasley, Percy Jackson (from the books, of course), Barry Allen from The Flash on CW, Daniel Sousa from Agent Carter, Ben Solo (THE GOOD Ben Solo), Sodapop from the book The Outsiders, Steve Rogers (because I'm a sucker for soldiers), Peter Parker (duh), Will Turner (that one goes back to my childhood haha), and BBC's Sherlock (I'm not attracted to Benedict Cumberbatch in general, I just ADORE the character with my entire being).


Looks like that's all for today, folks. Happy 2021! And if you have any more questions I would be glad to answer them in the comments or in a PM! Lots of love.

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