Protect You (Arvin Russell Imagine)

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D22- Tom Showing Kindness... There are so many of these! Which to choose?

A/N: Hello, lovelies! I am just going to apologize profusely here for my lack of activity over the past two months. I'm being slammed with schoolwork and am trying to keep up with writing "Supernatural" and my imagines, so I swear to you I'm not abandoning you all.

This one goes out to the lovely @Potterhead2005 who requested an Arvin imagine! I hope I did alright with this one, love. Just a reminder that all requests are still being taken if you'd like to make one! I might change the plot a bit here just for writing purposes, but I hope it's still good!

You were pressed up against the wall, clinging to your best friend, Lenora. It was the third day that week that you two had been cornered and teased by the nasty guys in your neighborhood and you'd come to terms with the fact that it probably wasn't going to stop anytime soon. Yesterday, one of the boys had made a dig at you about the buttons on your shirt. You argued that a girl shouldn't be called a slut just because it was a hot day and she'd decided to unbutton a button to cool off. You were laughed at.

Today wasn't much different. They were talking to you in nasty ways...saying the things they'd like to do to you. Some of them were making fun of your social status or your age. You weren't pretending it didn't hurt your feelings, because it did. You weren't a fantastic actress. You couldn't hide that.

"Let's get out of here, Y/N," Lenora sighed softly. You nodded. The two of you tried to move out of the circle you had been trapped in, but a particularly large guy shoved you and Lenora back to the ground in the center. The group around you sniggered. There were maybe four or five guys in all...not a large group...but there's no way you could've fought back. In fact, they were advancing on you, making threats...both violent and sexual. 

From between one guy's legs, you saw someone walking by. Your heart soared with hope. "ARVINNN!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. The handsome boy's head turned towards the scene. He saw you reach for him between the legs of one of your offenders and his gaze turned toward Lenora as well. Then back to you. Rage filled his eyes like you'd never seen as he came over to the group of boys around you.

"What's going on here?" Arvin asked. You could tell he was trying to seem as calm as possible, but you also knew he was seething. You didn't hear much of the conversation that followed. You and Lenora were scrambling out of the way and behind her brother as fast as you could now that your offenders were distracted. But whatever went down must've been serious because you heard an "Excuse me?" and "Talk about my sister and her friend like that ever again and so help me God..." before fists were flying. 

"What do we do?" Lenora whispered to you shakily.

"I don't know." Your voice wavered. You were frozen there in shock. Arvin's eyes had clouded over with uncontrollable rage...a side of him you'd never seen...and frankly, it scared you a little bit. 

"RUN!" He shouted over his shoulder as he violently beat up one of the guys. He hit him across the temple and knocked him out flat. You gulped, frozen to the spot. Three of the guys had run away from the scene, but Arvin showed no mercy for the other two. "I said run," he shouted at the two of you again. There was blood all over the place.

"Come on, Y/N," Lenora urged. She grabbed your wrist and yanked you along behind her all the way to her house.

Arvin wasn't at dinner after his mother invited you to it (you being Lenora's soul-sister and all). He'd holed himself up in the barn sometime ago, but after dinner and before you left for home, you'd decided you wanted to thank him for what he did earlier. You creaked open the door to the barn and found him sitting with his back to you on one of the old stallposts.

"Hey," you said quietly, trying not to startle him. No answer. "Arvin?" You made your way carefully over to him. He wasn't in too terrible of shape. His lip had split and he had a black eye, but the worst of it was the tearstains. Your heart broke a little.

"Am I a bad person, Y/N?" Arvin asked you in a near-silent voice. You opened your mouth to reply but he cut you off. "Don't answer that. I know I am."

"Why do you say that?" You challenged, sitting next to him on the stallpost. He inched away from you ever slightly, as if he were afraid he'd hurt you.

"Because I beat those guys to a pulp just then." He was silent for a minute, but when he spoke again his voice was thick with emotion and a few tears slipped over the edges of his eyes. "You've gotta understand that Lenora...she means the world to me. And so do you." He added the last part quietly and a little timidly, something you never really saw from him. You looked at him in shock. "I know. Laugh if you want to. I guys are everything to me and I just wanted....I just wanted to protect you." It was quiet again for a few moments.

"You're not a bad person, Arvin," you told him decidedly. "Especially for wanting to protect the people you love. You don't have to be your daddy, Arvin. I know you're not. But I do know that everything you do, you do out of love. And I love you too." Then, you did something that you didn't know you'd ever have the courage to do. You leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"I love you"

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