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Day 27- Idol swimming

Hi, my lovelies! Sorry this one was so late. I decided to get out of the city with my family today and we went on a little hike. Anyhow, hope you enjoy!

(As usual Y/N/N = your nickname)

You loved the pool. You loved going swimming. But at the moment, the water seemed packed with all of your friends, splashing wildly, and you thought that sitting on a long chair with a good drink and a magazine seemed more relaxing.

The group had decided to meet at the pool, so everyone was there. Jacob, Harrison, Zendaya, Laura, Tony...everyone. But roughhousing didn't seem fun to you at that particular moment. Daya and Laura had found their way to the steps on the shallow end to have a drink and attempt to escape the boisterous boys.

"Hey, Y/N! You should come over here! It's nice and quiet," Laura suggested. Just then, Haz slammed into her back, attempting to catch the water ball.

"Sorry!" He apologized quickly, then grabbed the ball and swam back over to the guys in the deep end.

"On second thought, you're probably better off over there," she laughed. 

"I might get in in a little while," you shouted back over to the girls.

"Cool. You know where to find us," Daya told you, blowing you a kiss.

You went on reading your magazine searching throught the clothes you knew you'd never be able to afford and fantasizing about yourself in them. (A/N: Any of you do that? No? Just me? Okay...)

Just then, a particular Brit hoisted himself out of the water and plopped down into the chair next to you. "Y/N? Y/N/N? Baby? Love? Darling?" You looked up from your magazine to find your wet-headed boyfriend laying on the chair next to you.

"Well, hello to you too!" you laughed softly.

"Why haven't you gotten in? You love swimming!" Tom shook out his sopping curls like a dog after a bath, drenching you in pool water. 

"I know. It's just really loud in there right now." You shut your magazine and put it on the little table next to you, then took a sip of your fruity drink.

"You should come in." Tom told you, prodding you in the side. You squirmed away. Tom knew you were ticklish. How dare he.

"I will in a little bit." You rolled your eyes then reapplied sunscreen to your legs since they were the only part of you without the shade of your umbrella.

"Pwease?" You looked over at Tom. He was giving you puppy eyes. Damn those puppy eyes! You attempted to resist them by sipping more of your drink.

"I told you, babe. In a little bit!" You chuckled lightly.

"Then you leave me no choice." Tom was smirking devilishly. Then, he scooped you up bridal-style and carried you over to the edge of the deep end.

"I swear, Thomas! You put me down right now!" You kicked and wriggled, but your attempts were futile. You could not escape. Tom's strong arms were tight around you. "THOMAS!"

"One." Tom rocked you back and forth, threatening to throw you into the pool. "Two." He did it again. "THREE!" All at once, you felt his arms leave your body as you were tossed high into the sky. You flailed helplessly, but gravity won. You screamed, then plunged into the water. 

It was frigid and as you bobbed to the surface, goosebumps took you over. "You little..." You shook out your hair, treading water. Tom, Jacob, Haz, Tony, and even Zendaya and Laura were overecome with fits of laughter.

"I'll get you for this, Holland! I swear I'll punish you for this!" You couldn't help but start laughing at the whole situation yourself.

"Oh, I'm counting on that," Tom winked at you, smirking cheekilly.

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