She's Spilling...

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Hello, my lovelies! So, today I thought I'd tell you a little bit about myself! I got tagged...I didn't know people still did that, haha! Oh well, I suppose I'll answer.

Your Name: My name is Sophia! But my friends call me Soph. My middle name and last name are classified, though.

Where You Live: Well, I'm not going to tell you exactly where, because that would be extremely stupid, but I do get asked this a lot, so I thought I'd tell you. I was born and raised in England, but my family moved to the States when I was very young (about 6 or 7). This is actually why I switch from British terminology and spelling to American so often (that and the fact that most of my readers are American). I do it outside of Wattpad too...even on school papers. It's horrible.

What I Look Like: Well, I'm of African descent, so I have really horribly curly hair. I've got brown eyes so dark that people sometimes think they're black, an overly large nose (in my opinion), and I'm what you modern people call "thick" (did I say that right?).

Favorite Food: I'm really rather obsessed with this kind of yoghurt, but if I had to choose one thing to eat for the rest of my life it would be Tex-Mex.

Music Taste: Anything that's from the 1980's or earlier. I prefer the Beatles mostly, since they're my favorite band of all time, but I also listen to music from the 30's and 40's on the regular. I'm not sure if I've told you this, but I have a HUGE obsession with the World War 2 era.

General Attitude Towards Life: This one's complicated. I used to be a huge much so that people would tell you it's annoying...but I think as I've grown up I'm way more of a realist now. Lately that seems to a lot of people like pessimism, but that's just because the reality of things right now is that they're not all great.

Picture of Myself: See the top of the page, haha *shakes head*
(I took it down for a little bit for privacy reasons but it'll be back up soon!)

Favorite Color: Blue. Light blue. 100%. End of conversation.

Favorite Place to Go: I've been known to spend full days in my local library, or else little hole-in-the-wall bookshops I find every now and again.

Where You Are Right Now: In the kitchen, on a barstool.

What Languages You Speak: English, obviously, as well as French and a little bit of German (I'm part German too, so I go there quite often).

Alright, dearies! That's about it for now. If you have any other questions about me that aren't too personal, I'd be glad to answer them! I love talking with you all. Anyway, Kisses!

xoxo LuckyHolland

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