Tropemas Day 10: Love Drug

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A/N: On the tenth day of Tropemas, my Author gave to me: Peter being cheesy, Thomas with a fever, romance between kiddies, a suicidal uterus, total loss of memory, A BROKEN ELEVATORRRRRRRR! Cute pregnant couples, kids having coffee, Enemies-to-Lovers, and a cliche "One-Bed" storyyyyyy!

smh...this is by far the strangest trope out there in my opinion and I really hate reading it, but it'll be fun to figure out how to write it! It was derived from the Sex Pollen trope, but I modified it because we are PG-13 in my house, thank you very much. 

I also made this a headcannon rather than an imagine because it seemed to suit it more and I set it as Peter Parker rather than Tom because this seems like a more Marvel-y thing to happen. SET IN A NON NWH UNIVERSE BECAUSE THAT SHIT GAVE ME TRAUMA.

When a love drug is accidentally released at the lab in Stark Enterprises:

*Luckily, Peter and you were already dating so you didn't have to deal with him admitting false feelings to you.

*Which is good, because you really really liked him. A lot.

*But the release of this love drug increased Peter's cheesiness to an all-time, off-the-charts high for a few days.

*This was amusing at first given how touchy and cuddly and utterly outrageous Peter became.

* "Y/N, look! I made pancakes this morning and this one looked like you!"

* (sniffing deeply, with his nose buried in your elbow) "Wow, you smell so great, Y/N."

* "Literally my favorite smell on the planet."

* "Can you sleep in one of my T-shirts and then give it back to me just so I can smell you whenever I want?"

*Obviously, this was endearing, but it got quite annoying after a while.

* "Look, Y/N! I got bored and drew you in Geometry!"

   (unceremoniously): "That's great, Peter."

*Luckily, Happy got an antidote working in no-time, so Peter was back to normal.

* "Did I do anything stupid while I was out of it, Y/N?"

   (laughing): "No, Peter, you were perfectly normal."

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