If Happy Is Her: Pt. 2

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D15- Tom Dancing

Alright, my lovelies! Back by popular demand. WE'RE AT 9.9K!!!! If we're lucky this will be the last update before the FACE REVEAL!!! Let's just all take a minute and think...this is the last faceless update. A moment of silence please 😂

Enjoy, my loves.

It had been three days since you met Nadia Parkes. It had been three days you hadn't moved out of your bed. It had also been three days since you'd showered, changed, done your hair, or even eaten. You were starving, smelly, and more than a little depressed.

Suddenly, there came a knock on your flat door. "It's open," you shouted half-heartedly, expecting the guest to be Haz. Oh, how you loved Haz. As a friend, of course, but that didn't have to mean that you loved him any less. He was always coming over to check on you. Ever since you'd found out about Nadia in the first place. Tom, on the other hand, had completely seemed to have forgotten about your existance.

You heard the door creak open and then shut again and someone walking softly around the house, attempting to find you, most likely. "I'm in my room, Haz," you sighed loudly, running your hand through your hair to get it to look roughly presentable.

"Hey," someone said softly from the doorway. It didn't sound like Harrison, but you couldn't make out who the person was since your room was pitch-dark and whoever it was had turned on the hall light, making them look like a black silhouette in the doorframe.

"Hi?" You questioned back softly.

"Mind if I come in?" Your eyes widened in the dark. You knew that voice. But, somehow, you couldn't believe he remembered you.

"Whatever," you said dryly. "I don't care." In response, Tom slowly entered your room. He flipped on the light, making you squint, and sat on the edge of the foot of the bed facing you.

"I'm not Haz," he told you quietly. There was silence for a few seconds.

"Yeah. I know," you replied.

"Are you okay?" Tom asked you, looking genuinely concerned. "You look awful."

"Ha. Thanks for noticing," you said sarcastically. "And, yeah. I'm fine."

"Really? Because you're wearing the same outfit you were in three days ago, you haven't really seemed to have done your hair or makeup at all, it's obvious you haven't showered, and you've been ignoring my calls about coming over this morning," he laughed sadly.

"Great job, Sherlock. I haven't eaten anything either." You sighed deeply. "My phone is dead, but I can see you just came right on over anyway."

"Seriously, Y/N. What's wrong? You're really starting to scare me."

"Oh, really? Because you haven't reached out to me first since you started dating Nadia."

"I know, Y/N. I know. And I'm really sorry. I've just been so occupied lately and I feel awful." Tom buried his face in his hands. Seeing him in such a state broke your already-shattered heart even further.

"It's okay," you said near-silently, dropping your irritated facade.

"No it's not! Look at you!" Tom gestured to your withering, bed-ridden form. "I swear I'll make it up to you somehow. I've been an awful friend."

"It's really okay, Tom. That's not exactly why I'm in such a state anyway."

"Well, then, what's wrong? I hate to see you like this. It's heartbreaking."

"You really want to know? Well, fine. I've been in love with you my whole life. There, I said it. And it just really hurts to know you'll never think of me that way." You didn't have the heart to cry anymore. You'd run yourself dry over the past three days. Perhaps it was a blessing...designed to save you from embarrassment. Tom's face fell.

"Oh, Y/N. I've loved you since we were children playing in the yard. You've always been able to make my day just by looking at me. And all I've ever wanted is you. You're everything to me."

"Oh." You were barely audible. "Well, that's really lovely," you started. Your heart was full and empty at the same time, however. Because you knew there'd be a 'however'. "But you're happy with Nadia and I only want happiness for you. That's what you deserve."

"That's actually why I came over," Tom told you. "We split up."

"Really?" You sat up in bed, looking at Tom pitifully. "I'm so sorry."

"No, don't be," Tom replied. "It ended amicably. We just decided we were better off friends, that's all. And, actually, I'm glad we did. Because that gives me the chance to do this." Then, without warning, he leaned over and kissed you sweetly on the lips.

"Tom, I..." you couldn't find the words for how happy you were. "I missed you so much." 

"So did I. I'm really sorry." He brushed some frizzy hair out of your face. "You're a great kisser, by the way. I'll excuse the morning breath," he chuckled. You burst out laughing as well. "Now let's get you cleaned up and then we'll go to lunch, okay?"

"That sounds wonderful."

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