What's Next?

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Hey, my lovelies! This is just a small update to tell you all what's next in terms of this book. For starters, I'm sure most of you know Wattpad has a 200 chapter limit (so unfair!) which is why I'll be taking this book to the 150 mark and then starting a second volume SO if you're reading this, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't forget to read the second one when it debuts! I'd really hate to lose you all. So make sure to carry all your requests, comments, and votes with you over to Tom the Sequel when it's begun!

AS for new chapters, I'll be doing a Valentine's special, as usual, and any requests you may suggest to me and anything I come up with on my own. I may even start a new challenge. I try to follow my writing schedule just because I've gotten so busy this past little while, but I may skip or double up some weeks.

Sorry to burst your bubble...you were probably hoping for an early chapter...but I just wanted to let you know what the future of this story will be.

Lots of love,


Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now