His Name Is Tom...Holland

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A/N: (my favorite photo from the new GQ shoot) Hello, all my lovelies! Can I just say how HAPPY it makes me that I'm back to writing this full-time? Like...I love this community so much. The Hollanders are such a supportive and sweet fandom and I adore you all. 

Just going off on a quick tangent before we get into this one...I swear to GOD there are like 14000 Tom interviews going up every day and I feel like SUCH a bad fan because I don't even know where to start with them or what I'm missing and it's really kind of overwhelming...maybe I'll have to waste a few hours on YouTube this weekend. Secondly, HAVE YOU SEEN CHERRY? Because I've been absolutely swamped with schoolwork and I haven't got the chance! If you have, let me know how you liked it below but PLEASE no spoilers! We've got enough of Tom in this book ;)

This imagine was suggested by @user1726354 and it's a little bit similar to the last one (which maybe I'll have a part two on soon...gah! I'm so overrun with ideas that I might have to throw out the Friday schedule...what do you think?) but I hope you'll enjoy it all the same! Thanks for the idea, angel.

It had been about a year since you and Tom had started dating. The two of you had moved in with one another and were very happy together.

Since Tom hadn't wanted to take the relationship public, you hadn't told anyone you were dating except for Tom's family and your friends Haz, Zendaya, and Jacob. This meant you couldn't even tell your own relatives you were dating Tom, which was a major bummer.

It all started with your weekly phone call to your mum. The two of you always talked on Fridays since you'd moved in with Tom since she "missed her baby." You loved the phone calls, but it was always really bothersome when she pestered you about Tom. 

"It seems only right I should be able to meet the man you're living with!" You should be able to, mom, and I'd introduce you two in a heartbeat if I knew you wouldn't let it slip to someone that I'm dating an A-lister.

"Don't you have any photographs together?" We have loads. And I wish I could show you.

"Why won't you tell me his last name?" Because I can't.

Tom had repeatedly insisted that it would be alright if you told your parents, but you knew the risk was too great. You wouldn't breathe a word of it until Tom was ready to go public. But this week, everything changed.

"Hello, mum!" You smiled into the phone, twiddling with your hair as you tucked it between your ear and your shoulder so you could sit at the kitchen counter.

"Hello, darling! How was your week?"

"Really nice," you replied sweetly, setting the phone down on the counter and pressing speaker.

"I'm glad!" your mother replied. "Listen, I wanted to tell you...remember Great Aunt Laura?"

"Yeah! She's the one who smells like apple turnovers!" Your mother was about to continue speaking when Tom strolled into the kitchen and threw open the fridge.

"Y/N, do we have any more beers, babe?" he called across the room, searching through the white-lit icebox.

"No, darling, we're out," you replied hastily. Then, turning back to your mother, "What were you saying, mum?" But it was too late.

"Oooh! Is that the mysterious Tom I hear?" Mum inquired loudly.

"Hello, Mrs. Y/L/N!" Tom exclaimed happily, having found a can of Fresca to sustain himself instead.

"It's a shame we only ever get to talk on the phone, dear! I'd love to meet you!"

"As would I!" Tom replied. Then, sensing an annoyed look from you, he said quickly, "I've got to run, Mrs. Y/L/N, but I always love talking to you!" 

"You too, dear!" your mother answered. Tom grinned and turned around to leave the room. "That's so funny that you ended up with a Tom, dear," Mum told you. Your eyes widened. Tom whirled around to face you, confused. 

"I don't know what you mean," you responded, taking a sip of orange juice.

"But, darling, you were always infatuated with Toms. You remember? Tom Felton, Tom Hiddleston...and then there was that Tom Holland you were always raving about." You spat out your juice, blushing. Tom gave you a quirked brow and an amused smirk.

"Yes, well..." you began hastily, "I think Toms are rather nice. Now, what was it you were saying about Great Aunt Laura?" You picked up your phone and took it off of speaker. Tom bit his knuckles to keep from laughing and exited the room.

"Oh yes. Well, she's put together a family reunion this Sunday and I was hoping you could make it. All of the cousins are invited and it would be wonderful for you to see them again!"

"Oh..." you said dejectedly. "Yes, of course! I'll be there." You sighed inwardly and frowned.

"Great! Well, I love you, dear. See you on Sunday!"

"Bye, mum."

You hung up the phone and groaned as you trudged into the living room, where you found Tom sipping Fresca and watching golf. He started to tease you about what he'd overheard in the kitchen but stopped when he saw your furrowed brow.

"What's up?" He asked, pausing the Open and turning towards you.

"It's my mum..."

"Oh no! Is she alright?" 

"Yeah, she's fine...I'm not sure I am, though."

"What do you mean?"

"My Great Aunt Laura is throwing a family reunion in two days and I have to go."

"What's wrong with that? I thought you loved your family."

"I do...my mum and dad, at least. But my cousins...UGH! Some of them are alright, I guess, but most of them just..." you shuddered as if talking about cockroaches, "bother me. They make me feel terrible about myself! 'What are you doing with your life, Y/N?' 'You'll never find love, Y/N!' It drives me crazy!"

"Well, that's no fun, love. I'm sorry."

"I mean, I wouldn't go but...my mum's expecting me and I don't want to disappoint."

"I might just have an idea," Tom replied. He set down his drink and looked at you intently. "How would you feel about it if I went with you?"


"You're saying these people are always flaunting their S.O's all over these things. Why not flaunt yours? I mean...I am pretty awesome," Tom laughed. He stood up and folded himself over you from behind.

"Tom, that would mean going public!"

"I know. I've been thinking about it a lot, actually, and I realized if there's anything I want in life, it's to be able to show you off to everyone. I want to shout it from the top of the world, Y/N. I want them to know I'm yours." He finished with a kiss on your cheek. You looked up at him lovingly.

"Tom...I don't know what to say."

"Then don't say anything! Let's go pick out your outfit for the reunion!"

Time-Skip brought to you by Furbies...it's basically a fuzzy penguin with cat ears. WHO CAME UP WITH THAT CONCEPT?!?

You stood in front of the park gates and gulped. A million little things were racing through your mind. Going public, the thoughts of your family...you could feel the panic rising in your chest. But Tom took your tiny hand in his and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"You'll do wonderfully, darling."

As you strolled into the family gathering, all heads turned your way.

"Is that Y/N?"

"Forget her! Is that Tom Holland? 

Tom squeezed your hand again.

"Mum?" you wavered, tapping your mother on the back. When she turned around, she nearly dropped her drink. "His name is Tom Holland." 

As if on cue (which it may have been, since he was an actor, after all),  Tom leaned down and captured your lips in a champagne kiss. He was positively glowing. And suddenly, you were the one with the desire to shout it from the top of the world.

He's mine.

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