There For You (Peter Parker Imagine)

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A/N: This was requested by the lovely @milesfairchildsdrums!

"Hi! So my idea was that y/n is Tony's daughter and is an avenger and this is taking place in endgame when it's the death scene and y/n realizes that Tony d*ed and obviously starts to cry and Peter goes over to her bc he's dating her or has feelings for and he got really close to her and comforts her ig? You can change it and add other things to it! Whatever you want it's your book after all <3"

I really loved this idea, but I think I might tweak it just a little bit.


All Y/N Stark felt was numb. She wasn't sad. She'd cried all her tears the minute she'd seen her father's arc reactor flicker out. Or perhaps she was sad but was so much so that she couldn't properly feel it anymore.

She drifted through the day of her father's funeral without really hearing, seeing, or processing anything. She couldn't tell one face from the next. She only knew that dozens of people dressed in black insisted upon dumping their apologies and condolances onto her shoulders. Not to mention the countless stories about her father she'd heard a dozen times. Not that she was listening, anyway.

During the reception, Y/N decided she was finished with all of it. She stole off to one of the back rooms to sit on her own at the corner fireplace. Y/N preferred to watch people than interact with them, anyway.

One downside to sitting on your own at the edge of your father's funeral, Y/N quickly learned, was that it gave your thoughts time to catch up with you. And for Tony's only daughter, that was hard enough.

She didn't want to think about the fact that she really was breaking. She had tried as hard as she could to forget that she would never hear his voice again. Tried to repress the idea of a world where she would never hear one of his crazy stories again or feel one of his hugs when she needed him. Despite her best efforts, Y/N's eyes began to water uncontrollably.

"Hey," said a gentle voice from nearby. Y/N quickly sniffed, wiped her eyes and attempted to smile at whoever had come to visit her.

"You...don't have to do that for me, you know," Peter told her quietly. "Pretend to be strong." He stood there leaning on the fireplace in his black suit. There was a sort of sadness in his eyes that told Y/N he'd done this before all too many times. She'd forgotten.

"I'm not pretending," Y/N insisted. She secretly hoped Peter wouldn't leave. She very deeply wanted his company. He was something safe and familiar.

Luckily for her, Peter sat on the hearth next to her. They both looked out at the party rather than each other.

"You know that's what I told myself too." Peter sounded quieter than Y/N had ever heard him. "I told myself that when Mom died. And Dad. And Uncle Ben." Y/N turned to look at Peter. He was looking at his dress shoes, clearly in pain. "I was lying. I was broken. I didn't want to let anyone know how much it hurt, though. Just the thought that I'm someone who gets left." Peter's eyes dripped and he quickly wiped them. "That's a hard thing to get over."

Y/N couldn't help it. A few tears slipped down her cheeks. "I just can't believe he's...he's gone. Just like that. And I'll never hear him tell me he loves me and I'll never get to learn how to fly the suits and I'll never eat his special Mac-and-Cheese again..."

"The one with the little hot dogs and edamame pieces," Peter and Y/N said together, reminiscing. Tears were flowing freely.

"I miss him, Pete. I loved him so much," Y/N wailed, burying her head in Peter's neck. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer, tears streaming down his own face.

"I know you did. I loved him much. He was like the dad I never had." Peter's voice cracked. Y/N shook in his arms. "But I'm going to help you get through this. I know what it's like. No matter what, Y/N, I'm there for you." Peter kissed the top of her head gently.

"I love you, Pete."

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