London Boy

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A/N: Alright! London Boy is up first to kick off this deluge of songfics! I'm so excited about this since I get to put what's I imagine in my head when I hear these songs to writing!
 (*insert AJR astronaut voice* "Here we go!")

You were hopelessly American. Born and raised. And somehow, you'd managed to capture the heart of the most coveted man of the decade. You had met Tom on one of his trips to New York, your home city, and had immediately fallen head-over-heels for him. The way he talked, you could just watch him forever. He was simply a perfect being, and you'd known it from the moment you'd served him tea at the hole-in-the-wall coffee shop you worked at in Greenwich. Naturally, the two of you had hit it off immediately and become fast friends...then something more. At it was on the second anniversary of your first date that he finally took you home to London.

Although you'd dreamed of it your whole life, you'd never been to your soul city, and Tom knew he had to remedy this. Just the way your eyes lit up on a rainy day because it looked like an "English Morning" to you. Just the way you melted whenever he called you "darling."

When you arrived at Heathrow Airport, Tom thought you were going to have a conniption. You rushed out of the gate and pressed your face against the window so hard that from the other side of the glass your nose and cheek looked mushy.

"Y/N? What on Earth are you doing?" Tom chuckled, sidling over beside you as you fogged up the rainy window with your breath.

"I can't believe I'm really here. I've waited my WHOLE life for this!" you whispered. Tom grinned, still musing at the fact that he'd made your life simply by booking a two-week trip to his hometown. He reached out his hand for you to take.

"Well if you're excited now, just wait till we actually get out of the airport!" he laughed sweetly. He'd arranged for your bags to be picked up and delivered to his flat so that the two of you could spend some time out together.

It amazed you that you could just walk straight down the middle of some of the streets in London. It amazed you that everything was just that much more magical by being with Tom. 

"What will we do?" You asked excitedly, hopping up and down on Tom's arm as the two of you walked through South Bank later in the day. You'd taken a cab over after much pleading to Tom to see the Eye.

"We are going to do the most English things possible," Tom announced, waving his free arm in the air like a magician. "I'll take you to do all of the touristy things, which should only take about a day if we're not spending more than a couple of hours at each spot. And of course, we'll go over to Camden. I'll take you over'll love it. It's just your type of district. And while we're over there we can go over to Highgate. They've got some great restaurants...OH! And we have to go to the West End..."

You, however, were too busy on Cloud 9 to notice the agenda Tom had planned for you. Just then, you saw a little red circle painted above a flight of stairs. "TOM!" You stopped and yanked him over. "Can we take the Tube back to Kingston? Please? Please, please PLEASE?" 

"Don't you have an underground train in New York? I thought you rode your subway all the time!" He laughed.

"I do! But...this is LONDON!" You twirled around in a big circle with your arms flapping. People around you stared.

"All right," Tom agreed with a chuckle. 

When at last you'd arrived back at Tom's flat, you were in such a daze you thought you might explode. You flopped on Tom's bed with a goofy grin. "I never want to leave!"

"Well, get dressed!" Tom chuckled, tossing you a purple dress from your suitcase. "We're walking over to my parents' in a few minutes for dinner." You sat bolt upright. 

"I'd forgotten about that!" You couldn't wait to meet Dom, Nikki, Sam, Harry, and Paddy. The trip just kept getting better and better. And when you arrived for dinner, you immediately felt at home. The Hollands' house smelled like love if that made any sense. Just as if love was everywhere, which, you supposed, it was. 

Tom's family had become your family within the first hour of being in the same house, and, when you met his friends for lunch in Highgate a couple of days later, you immediately felt as though you belonged. Life in London was just so much better than you could have ever hoped for.

What a shame it had to end.

When, at last, you began your soggy-eyed goodbyes outside Heathrow, everyone was there. Nikki, Paddy, Dom, Sam, Harry, Haz...everyone. It was horrible having to leave when you knew your heart would always belong to England and your new family. And as the airline lady shouted the last-call for boarding inside, Tom caught you by the arm.

"We don't have to leave, you know." He wiped a solitary tear from your eye.

"What do you mean? I live in New York."

"What if you didn't?" He replied, biting his lip.

"What are you saying?" You asked nasally.

"I'm saying, what if you stayed?" You cocked your head. "I mean," Tom laughed, "What if you moved in with me?"

"Oh." you gasped, dropping your suitcase. "OH! Oh, yes, Tom!" You threw your arms around his neck, smelling London in his hair and on his collar. "I want to stay with you here for the rest of my life."

Well, you didn't get on that plane back to New York. You had your things sent to England. How could you have lived with yourself if you hadn't?

You loved London and you loved your London Boy.

A/N...I hope you enjoyed that! It was kind of a bit strange since I'm just getting used to this songfic thing, but here you are! Happy Saturday xx

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