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A/N: Hi, my lovelies! Back from my hiatus and less busy than ever, so I can't wait to share this with you! Quick announcement: I'm removing "Somebody to You" from the imagines list, just since it seems a bit redundant.

This song/imagine is by far the most personal to me of these (maybe I'll do a little explanation part on why later), so I'm prepared to cry whilst writing it, but I hope you enjoy it!

Y/N, Y/L/N had met her hero. The person who meant most to her in the entire world. 

She supposed it had come at the best possible time. She hadn't been in a good place. The boy she thought she'd loved had broken her heart. Her friends had abandoned her for other people they could joke about ending their lives with, completely unaware that by giving her entire essence to try to fix them, Y/N was having the same thoughts quietly to herself. She was lonely.

And yet, on that breezy September afternoon, everything felt right with the world. Tom's arms had been warm. He'd smelled better than she imagined, which was saying something. It had felt like just his simple presence in her life...for however short a time...had made everything that much better.

But as she drove away from the convention center, she felt a growing emptiness in her chest. Like she'd placed what bloody fragment was left of her heart in Tom's hands when she told him goodbye. How can one go from having everything to having less than you did in the first place? 

As time went by, it started to feel like it had never happened. Like the slight of his waist beneath her arm and the gentle grasp of his fingers on her shoulder had been nothing but a beautiful fever dream. But there was the photograph.

A piece of glossy paper, as thin and delicate as a strand of hair, became Y/N's most prized possession. The only assurance that her hero had been within her grasp. That simple piece of paper was everything to Y/N. It was strangely beautiful in an indescribable way...a moment in time captured like a ship in a bottle, where everything had been beautiful and wonderful and she had felt nothing but love and light. 

In that moment she held hostage in a shining frame, Tom was hers. And he would forever be hers. She would never be lonely or without love or happiness. She came back to it on particularly hard days.

 It felt like Tom could speak to her through the photograph, as ridiculous as it sounded. Like he was telling her, "Look at us. There are still beautiful things in this world for you to discover." As though he were saying "Things will get better. Just keep me close to you."

She did keep him close to her. In her phone, in her pocket, in the silver locket she'd bought cheaply off Amazon just to have him closer to her beating heart.

It made her wonder if he ever knew how much he meant to some people. If he ever knew he'd quite literally saved them. She hoped he knew. She hoped someday she'd get the chance to tell him. But for now, he was there in tiny specks of light, caught just so that her greatest experience could live forever.

Oh, if she could thank him. The words she could never say.

A/N: If any of you are depressed, please seek help. I know what that's like and you shouldn't have to go through it alone.

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