Dating Tom Would Include...

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Day 1, Idol in Sunglasses

* Kisses. Loads of Kisses.

* Being the subject of a lot of Nikki's photos

* Prank wars with Sam, Harry, and Paddy

* Being best friends with Haz, Tuwaine, and Jacob

* Cuddles 😊

* Jump scares

* Late-night conversations

* Going to premiers

* Hugs from behind

* Constant attention from the press

* Being Dom's "favorite child"

* Jealous Tommy (aw)

* Passionate make-out sessions

* Hollywood parties

* Sitting through long and boring golf games

* Being slightly overprotective of Tom with creepy fans

* Sex. Nuff said.

* Play fighting

* Being one of Harry's movie stars

* Tickle fights

* Playing with Tessa

* Grooving to the radio in the car

* Coming with him on all his trips

* Borrowing all of Tom's clothes

* Surprise gifts (AW)

* Lazy morinings

*  Constant reminders that he is Spider-Man

* The happiest times of your life

A/N: Sorry this one was so short...I have a lot of homework to catch up on (damn this online school) so, yeah. I love you all!

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