"They Don't Like Me"

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D3- Photo that Makes You Smile

You had threatened to delete your Instagram more times than Tom, which was saying something. But you had a good reason. Every time you posted anything about your boyfriend, his fans would destroy you. You weren't good enough for Tom, in their book, and ever since you and him had gone public, they never ceaced to remind you about it. Of course you tried not to listen, but things like that sting.

It was the morning after your birthday and you had decided to post about the wonderful party Tom had thrown for you the night previous. Instantly, your comment section began to blow up. You told yourself you were strong enough to handle whatever people were saying about you and opened your phone.

"Ew...what a pig."

"Olivia was so much prettier"

"GROSS! Don't ship them"

"She doesn't deserve him."

You bit back the tears, scrolling through the waterfall of hate that had become your comments. You wanted to look away, but couldn't make yourself. You were transfixed. At last, a few tears spilled out of your eyes and you got to thinking, If so many people think this is true...it must be.

Suddenly, you heard the floor creak outside the door to the bedroom you and Tom shared. You looked up to see your boyfriend standing in the doorway, holding a turkey sandwich, cut diagonally so the two of you could split it. "What's wrong, love?" he asked gently, setting the sandwich down on the foot of the bed before climbing in next to you.

"Th..." you started, "They don't like me." As soon as you said it, you broke down, sobbing and choking and hiccupping all at once.

"Who doesn't like you, love?" Tom coaxed, brushing some hair out of your face affectionately. In reply, you handed him your phone. Tom looked confused for a moment, but began scrolling through the comments. After a few seconds of silence, Tom clicked off your phone and looked at you. "You can't actually believe any of this, can you?" You nodded, sniffling. "Well, let me tell you, Y/N. These are fake fans, not real ones. If they were real, they'd only care if you and I were happy together. They're jealous of you, Y/N."


"Isn't it obvious? You're kind and beautiful and smart and funny and lovable and sweet...not to mention you've got the best boyfriend in the whole world," he joked, tugging on your ear softly. You laughed half-heartedly. "But even if they didn't like you, that wouldn't have mattered. You know why?"

"Why?" you managed, sounding rather nasal.

"Because I think you're absolutely perfect and I love you with all of my heart. Don't EVER let anyone steal your sunshine."

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