Tropemas Day 5: Elevatorfic

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A/N: On the fifth day of Tropemas, my Author gave to me: A BROKEN ELEVATORRRRRRRR! Cute pregnant couples, kids having coffee, Enemies-to-Lovers, and a cliche "One-Bed" storyyyyyy!

You were on your way up to your flat, weighted down with copious heavy bags from your last-minute holiday trip to the mall. All you wanted was to get home and sit on the sofa for a few minutes before hopping a cab to your mother's annual Christmas party. You pressed the "up" button on the elevator in the lobby and patiently waited for the doors to slide open.

At last, you were met with a satisfying 'ding' and piled yourself and (with much effort) every shopping bag into the elevator. The doors began to slide shut but never quite made it, for a man's arm shoved itself through the gap in the doors and a voice shouted "Hold the door!"

You quickly pressed the button and the elevator slid back open, revealing a slightly disheveled, but certainly handsome man. He too was carrying bags of shopping and he shook the snow from his dark-brown curls as he positioned himself next to you in the elevator.

"Freezing out there, innit?" he chuckled, clearly attempting to make himself look less out of sorts. You chuckled. It was more than a little bit adorable.

"Certainly!" You set one of the bags on the floor and pressed your floor. "Level?"

"Five, please," the man responded. 

"Oh, you're just below me! I'm six!"

"Really? I'm surprised we've never seen each other at laundry or something!" The man smiled at you and your heart melted into a puddle in your shoes.

"Perhaps we have and just didn't notice," you suggested, shrugging.

"I have a feeling I would've remembered someone like you," the man responded shyly. You bit your lip to keep from smiling and stared determinedly at your shoes. "I'm Tom, by the way."

"I'm Y/N."

"I like that name. Y/N." The way he said it made you feel like your name was, in fact, pretty for once. You blushed, hoping the pink was covered up by the frost-nipped rosiness of your cheeks.

"So, Tom, do you have any fun plans for Christmas this year?" you asked. You were secretly hoping to prolong the conversation with him. You liked the way his energy pulled you in and it felt as if you'd known him your whole life. You were also secretly wondering if that flannel jacket he was wearing was as warm as it looked...and how it might look on you.

"Well I...." but before he could continue, there was a loud screech and the elevator jolted to a halt. You and Tom looked at each other, clearly confused. 

"We've stopped!" you commented stupidly, too stunned to speak. You pressed the buttons on the elevator desperately, attempting to get the box to move again.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it's just a small malfunction. This building's old."

"True. It should only take a few minutes for it to work again, right?"


Forty-five minutes later...

"Tom, I'm freaking out. I'm going to miss my mum's Christmas dinner and it's not looking like we're getting out any time soon." You'd slid down the side of the elevator, crunched into the corner with your shopping bags around you like a fortress. Tom was pacing the length of the elevator on his fourth phone call to the emergency number in the elevator. 

"It's Christmas Eve. I'm not sure anyone's going to pick up," he groaned, shoving his phone into his back pocket and sliding down the wall to sit next to you. 

"What do we do?"

"We could call the fire department?" He shrugged. You removed your phone and dialed the fire department, setting your phone down on the floor on speaker.

"Hello? You've reached the city fire department. Is this an emergency?"

"Yes? Sort of. You see, we're stuck in an elevator between the fourth and fifth floors of our apartment building."

"Unfortunately, Christmas Eve is one of the busiest nights of the year. We might not be able to get there for a few hours, but if you tell me the address, I'll send a team out to you as fast as I can." A few hours? There went your evening.

You and Tom spent those few hours talking about anything and everything to pass the time. It started to feel like you'd known each other your whole lives and by the time you got out of there, you'd made plans to get lunch, see a movie, go to the art museum, and have a movie night on four different respective days.

When the fire department found you at last, you were passed out on the floor together in a heap of shopping bags, Tom's jacket over the both of you.

"Looks like maybe they didn't want to be saved all that much," joked the fire marshall. 

Maybe you didn't.

A/N: Hope you guys are enjoying these!!! I'm going to see NWH tomorrow and I'm SO SCARED.'s going to be too emotionally traumatic. I'm going to bring my Spider-Man teddy bear, though. He's been going to every marvel movie with me since Homecoming. Am I a mature young adult? Yes. Do I still want my Peter-Bear? DUH!

I'm sure I'll want to rant about the movie after I see it so hit me up on Saturday!

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