Tomatoes (photo imagine)

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It was eleven at night and you were lounging on the couch watching Jimmy Fallon and finishing a mug of tea. It was Tom's last day filming and you wanted to wait up for him before you went to bed. At last, when you thought you couldn't stay up any longer, you heard the keys turn in the lock and your tired boyfriend come through the door.

"Hey, baby!" You cooed tiredly, getting yourself off the couch and moving yourself into the entryway to meet him.

"Hey, love," Tom replied, pulling you into a hug. When he released you, you saw the enormous dark circles under his eyes. Tom ran a hand through his curls and yawned.

"How was the last day?" you asked your lover, pouring him a glass of water. 

"Emotional. Good too, though. But I haven't eaten anything all day," Tom managed through another yawn. Then, you got an idea.

"What if I make you a sandwich?" You offered sweetly.

"That sounds...lovely."

So, you set to work on Tom's sandwich, including all of the things he loved. You started with wheat bread (because he loves his muscles) and added turkey, lettuce, deli mustard, and swiss cheese. As your sandwich signature, you cut up a tomato and slid the slices between the lettuce and the cheese.

You brought the sandwich to Tom on a white plate and sat on the counter to talk to him while he ate. 

"What did you do today?" You asked him, taking a swig out of his water glass, earning you a chuckle from your boyfriend.

"Oh, you know, just redid some....did you put tomatoes in this?" Tom asked you, looking more disgusted than you'd ever seen him in his life.

"Well, I mean, yeah. Tomatoes go in sandwiches, don't they?"

"But, Y/N, I hate tomatoes! You should know this by now!" Tom complained, swishing the rest of the water around in his mouth and spitting it into the sink.

"I'm sorry, I don't think you've ever told me," you snapped, getting defensive. Tom responded to you with a signature "bleck!"

"I very clearly remember telling you," Tom laughed softly. "That one time we went to dinner and I forgot to tell the waitress to hold the tomatoes? I told you that tomatoes ruin everything!"

"Well, my bad! It isn't my fault that I'm apparently human and forgot to keep tomatoes off of the sandwich that I made you at eleven o'clock at night even though I've been up since..."

Tom cut you off with a kiss, his soft lips crashing into your own.

"Don't worry about it. I'm not angry with you," he whispered to you, giving you bedroom eyes.

"That was a really nice way to tell me to shut up," you breathed. At least you hadn't messed up too bad. Even though tomatoes ruin everything.

A/N: Aaand we're back, folks! It's been way too long. Hope you enjoyed this one. I don't know where I got the inspiration for it from, but I'm not complaining!

Love y'all


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