Water Balloons (Peter Parker imagine)

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D14- Tom in Sunglasses...again (Who remembers this gem??? 🙋‍♀️)

It was a baking day in July and Peter had invited you upstate to the Avengers headquarters there. Obviously, you agreed. I mean, who would pass up an invitation to Avengers HQ? Upon arriving there, Tony had immediately taken to you. You were "his kind of girl," as he told Peter. Witty, unique, a teeny bit sarcastic sometimes, and a total genius. Within minutes of arriving there, you had a room next to Peter's on the third floor and had met all of the Avengers. Some just sitting on the couch, others trying to figure out the microwave oven (*ahem, Steve Rogers)...it was incredible. You couldn't believe a thing.

Since it was practically baking inside headquarters, Peter suggested the two of you go outside in the yard and hang out. Naturally, you agreed. This is how you found yourself soaking wet and with muddy, grass-covered knees. A water balloon fight.

Doubling as a landing pad, the "backyard" of HQ was enormous and you and Peter were chasing each other round and round it, seeing who could hit their target the most times. To make it fair game, you'd forbid Peter from using his superpowers (which earned you a pouty face).

"HA! I got you, Spider-boy!" You giggled, cracking a balloon on Peter's head while he was bent over the bucket, reloading his pockets with ammo. 

"Hey! I thought we made a no-hits-at-the-bucket  rule!" Peter laughed, shoving one of his water balloons up your shirt and slapping you in the stomach, making the balloon explode all over you. You squealed, surprised by the chill.

"Hey! For once in my life, I'm deciding not to follow rules. Just be glad it isn't major," you cackled, shaking your fist at Peter, who was already halfway across the feild. You never would've caught up had Peter not tripped in a gopher hole and fallen flat on his face.

"UMPH!" You heard from a ways away. The smile faded from your face.

"Pete? Are you okay?" You jogged over to where Peter had rolled onto his back. He was laughing. That was a good sign. "Oh my go...PETER! Don't scare me like that!" You smashed a water balloon on his face and burst out laughing as well.

"Hey hey hey! I surrender!" he chuckled, gesturing to the fresh wet spots all over him. He'd clearly squished the water balloons in his pockets during his fall. The two of you sighed at the end of your laughing fits and stared at the sky together.

"It's funny how you don't really get to see any of this in the city," you said quietly. Peter nodded beside you.

"That's why I like it so much up here. That and the fact that I get to hang out with the Avengers." He nudged you softly in your side. The sunshine began to warm you up...or was it that feeling you always got in your chest whenever Peter touched you?

"Peter, I have to tell you something." Your voice wavered and you clenched your eyes shut, silently kicking yourself for being so spontaneous. But the moment seemed so perfect...

"Actually, I've been meaning to talk to you too," he told you. Great. He was probably just going to say something completely irrelevant or..."I like you a lot, Y/N. Ever since middle school. And it's probably dumb to tell you this since I'm sure you don't feel the same way but..."

"Well, you see," you interrupted, "That's actually what I was going to tell you too." You propped your elbow up and rested your head on your fist, smiling sweetly.

"R-really?" Peter stammered. He ran a hand through his hair like he always did when he was nervous and you blushed bright pink at the fact that you knew that.

"Yeah. I'm more into you than Nanotechnology Nuclear Physics," you admitted, laughing at yourself.

"Wow! That's a lot," Peter replied. There was silence for a minute. "Hey, um...you maybe want to go get a bite sometime?"

"I'd love that," you told him, giving him a peck on the cheek. Little did you know you'd just made Spider-Man's life.

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