The hate NEEDS to stop...

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Hey, everyone. I know this isn't really an update, but I just really feel the need to speak out on something.

It is unfair how much hate Tom is getting online. He should be able to decide what he puts on his social media. He should be able to decide what he wants to vocalize. I know Tom is a generous, kind, and genuinely good person, and it is so unfair that he is being treated as otherwise. He has done nothing wrong and the hate needs to stop.

I don't know if many of you saw Tom's last Instagram story before he went on hiatus, but there was genuine pain in his voice, and that hurt me so deeply to hear when he has been my reason to smile (especially when I thought there was nothing to smile about).

If you are one of Tom's real fans, thank you for realizing how wrong this is. If you are one of the people being negative towards him, please rethink the way you are treating him. He is a human being, and just as all colors should be treated with kindness and respect, so should all people.



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