Jealous: Part 2

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Day 20- Idol with instrument

A/N: Y'all asked for it and I promised I wouldn't dissappoint my Lovelies, didn't I?

RECAP: You stood up and stormed out of the open front door, but not before passing Tom, to whom you whispered (not so softly), "Real charmer you got there, Holland." You slammed the door behind you.

CONTINUED: You walked briskly down the sidewalk, not exactly sure where you were going. You just needed to get as far away from Tom as you possibly could. You needed to think. To sort out these new feelings that, frankly, were scaring you. You didn't know what you wanted from Tom anymore...let alone yourself. But the thought of him with other girls made your stomach turn.

The tears on your cheeks were nearly frozen to your face in the chilly September air. You stopped at a park bench on the corner and flopped down, burying your head in your hands to cry. Nothing made sense anymore. Nothing.

"Hey! Y/N!" You heard your name being called from at least halfway down the sidewalk behind you. You recognized that voice, and you felt a pang upon hearing it. That pang cleared one thing were deeply, madly in love with Thomas Stanley Holland. Your best friend since forever. You couldn't bear to talk with him. The new realization was echoing in your head. You got up off the bench and began walking away.

You looked slightly behind your shoulder to see Tom following you, bursting through a crowd of people a ways back. You started speed-walking, checking behind you again. Tom had picked up the pace as well. You had to get away. Your stride had gone from speed-walk to jog to run, and every time, Tom sped up as well. 

You fought the stitch in your side, wondering if you should just give up. "Y/N! I really need to talk to you!" You heard from somewhere a few yards behind you. You gathered up all of your energy to manage a full-out sprint, dodging everyone on the streets of Kingston, apologizing to those whom you ran into.

But you were sobbing, and the uneven pattern of your breath caused the rest of your side to sieze up. You forced yourself to stop on the next corner, leaning on a lamp post for support.

At last, the dreaded moment arrived. Tom sped around the corner, slowing down when he saw you. He wasn't even slightly out of breath. Bastard, you thought, though very clearly not meaning it. You slid down the side of the building and sat on the sidewalk, choking on your own tears. You felt someone sit next to you.

"Why were you running?" Tom asked, gently and quietly. The ache in your chest returned. You didn't have the heart nor the courage to answer his question.

"Shouldn't you be with Lizzie?" You wailed, scooting a few inches away from Tom.

"Look, if this was about what she said about people talking about you, she lied." He scooted closer to you. You kept your face in your hands, then snorted.

"HA! That just makes everything better, doesn't it." You broke down again, soaking the knees of your jeans with your tears. You got up slowly, making sure not to face Tom, and walked into the park across the street. It was empty, and you were tired of the people on the street looking at you like you were crazy. Tom followed, a few steps behind.

"I kicked her out you know. Told her nobody can treat you that way." He reached out to touch your shoulder as you sat on a park bench, but you shook him off. "Why are you so mad at me?" He sounded so hurt...

"I'm not," you wailed, hiccuping multiple times. You'd stopped trying to hide your face from him. It was useless anyway. He sat down next to you on the bench, engulfing you in one of his perfect hugs...just holding you there. His act of kindness only made you more angry at yourself and you sobbed harder.

"Then please tell me what's wrong, love," he whispered into your ear. You almost laughed to yourself at how romantic this almost felt. But you knew it was just your state of mind and that the two of you were best friends. Nothing more. Nothing less.

"I c-can't" you managed, your voice muffled in his t-shirt.

"Try," he told you.

You pulled away from his embrace. You didn't even know where to start. "I hate it, Tom. I hate it when you come home with someone who doesn't deserve you. Doesn't even know you. It just makes me sick. And Haz and Tuwaine told me I'm jealous but I can't be because you're my best friend. But it just hurts to see you with someone else. And it makes me wonder if I-I'm not g-good enough b-because I think I l-love you, Tom." Your voice broke at the end of your long-winded explanation and you started crying harder than ever, knowing you just ruined the greatet friendship of your life.

Tom, however, was just looking at you. Just looking. Almost sadly. You felt one a hand on your jaw, and Tom tilted your face up so that you were looking at him. "I'm sorry," you whined meekly. But Tom just shook his head. And then, his lips were on yours. 

You jumped at first, completely surprised, but then relaxed into the kiss, savoring the way it felt and the taste of his lips. The way the two of you fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. The kiss escalated and your hands tangled in his hair, his found their way to your waist. When at last you broke apart, you finally found your breath and Tom looked at you with such adoration in his eyes. 

"Y/N, Y/M/N, Y/L/N, you are the most kind, smart, beautiful person I've ever met. Inside and out. And you were always good enough, because I have always loved you. Ever since that time in second year when you saved the little bird that had fallen out of his nest. Because you have a kind, beautiful heart and a mind and body to match. And the only reason I ever dated anyone else was because I didn't want to ruin our friendship."

You wiped some tears off of your swollen cheeks and couldn't help but smile. You pecked Tom on the lips. "You know something, Tom?"

"Yes, beautiful?"

"You are my world."

"You know something, Y/N?"

"Yes, Tommy?"

"You are my entire universe."

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