Story Time! #1

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Day 11- Idol at airport

Hello, lovelies! It's your girl, LuckyHolland! I figured since I'm out of ideas for today, I'd tell you a personal story. I have three of these that pertain to Tom Holland, so I thought you might be interested. Here's the first one!

So this was about two years ago, and by this time I was already throuroughly a Hollander. It was around Christmas-Time and my aunt always comes into town for Christmas, so she was there too. She was telling us about her trip into London for her birthday that year, and I don't quite remember exactly how it got brought up, but I vaguely remember that we were watching Spider-Man Homecoming and I told her that Tom was actually a native of Southwest London and not, in fact, American like she'd thought.

It was also the first time she'd seen Tom Holland at all and somewhere during the movie, she leaned over to me and said. "Oh that's why he looks so familliar! I ran into him at the Heathrow Airport on my way home. Really nice guy, actually." 

All I really remember is my jaw just dropping. At first I was really furious. I think I said something to the effect of "You ran into Tom Holland at the London Heathrow Airport and didn't ask him to sign anything for me?" And then the disbelief wore off and I was like "Oh, that's actually really cool." And it was! often does your auntie meet your idol in an airport and talk to him? Not very!

My aunt said, "Well, I would have had him sign a napkin or something, but I didn't really know he was famous at that point or that you were a fan of his at all."

Oh well! That's okay, because if that's what it took for me to actually meet him, I'll take it! Those next two stories will come at you some time in the future if and when I still have writer's block!

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