Bag of Ice

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D19-Tom's Best Red-Carpet Look

A/N: AAAAHHhh! You Guys! I'm feeling some things at present. A year ago today was the last time I saw Tom in person and I MISS HIMMMM! 😣😭

Anyhoo, to make up for all of the sadness flooding my system at the moment, I'm writing another really stupid imagine (okay, won't lie, these are my favourites)!

"Thomas Stanley Holland, I can't believe you!" she grumbled at me, shaking her head the way she did whenever I did something stupid.

"Why not? I do stupid, irresponsible crap all the time," I mumbled, feeling the throbbing purple gooseegg on my forehead gingerly with one finger, then hissing at the pain to keep from crying out.

"Well this was....exceptionally stupid and irresponsible." She pressed the bag of ice to my head and clicked her tounge. It had only been a few minutes since I'd woken from what I'd assumed had been just a few seconds of unconciousness (it wasn't). I could barely hear myself think over the thrumming of blood in my head.

"Not expectionably," I protested, messing up the word unintentionally. "I'm Spider-Man. I've done backflips before." The darkness pressed in on me again and I blinked hard to fight it off.

"Sure, Tom, but not off the edge of an empty pool." I heard her sigh. "I think I'm going to call the doctor," she threatened. I whined in protest. "Oh really? So how do you feel now?" She raised an eyebrow at me and lifted the bag of ice for a few seconds.

"B-bitchin'," I replied. Then I passed out again. Through the darkness, I could just hear Y/N mumble "Boys!".

A/N: grr...super short, but I found this prompt and thought it was cute. I miss you all, really, I do. I've just been so busy with school lately. I mean...I'm in all honors/A.P. classes this year, so I've barely got time to myself anymore, but I can't wait for first term to be over so I can update regularly again!

xoxo LuckyHolland

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