New Years Eve

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D28- Tom in the Spider-Man Suit

A/N: A New Years 2020 message--This year has been one hell of a ride. And that is probably a HUGE understatement. On the whole it was full of struggle and suffering, but it was also full of innovation, new appreciation for things we once took to granted, and memories. We have lived through one of the most historic times in history since World War 2. It has been a huge challenge for nearly everyone to even survive this year and I am so proud of each and every one of us. Personally, I am grateful for this insane year. It brought me closer to all of you through my writing and helped me find myself where, a year ago, I hadn't. As we leave this year, I want you all to know how truly grateful I am that we found each other and for your support. Here's hoping 2021 will be better in every way. 

NOW...onto the one-shot!

xoxo LuckyHolland

F/N = friend's name (should be female for this imagine)

Harrison Osterfield's New Year's Eve parties were the best on the planet. They had been ever since the two of you'd turned eighteen and he'd begun throwing them. Every year, Haz, one of your best friends, would throw a smasher at his place in Kingston. And every year you went, hoping your childhood crush turned Hollywood Superstar, Tom, would kiss you at midnight.

Sadly, your wish had not yet come true, despite the 23 years you'd tried to kiss him on New Year's (even outside of Haz's parties). So this year, you decided to finally give up. At least if Tom wouldn't kiss you, the two of you could remain friends. 

You went up the front walk, tailed by F/N, whom you'd elected to take as your plus one.

"Are you going to try to kiss him again this year?" F/N asked for the fiftieth time.

"No," you chuckled in reply. You brushed a stubborn strand of hair out of your face and fixed the strap of your blue satin cutout dress before knocking on the door. Harrison answered the door with a red party cup in his left hand and the faint thumping that you'd heard outside on the walk morphed into music.

"Hey! Y/N! F/N! It's great to see you! come on in!" He swung the door open for the two of you and you entered the humid house full of people. A few people were dancing, a few were in little groups, drinking and talking. Most were socializing, going over to find people they hadn't seen since a year previous. Your eyes, however, were scanning the room for someone you saw much more often.

 "Looking for Tom?" F/N asked with a chuckle. She passed you a plastic red cup full of something bitter as the two of you found a corner to sit in.

"N-no," you lied. "Just seeing who all is here."

"Right," F/N replied, clearly not believing you. "Well, just in case you were wondering, he's over there. You turned your head towards where F/N was pointing and, indeed, there was Tom Holland. Standing in the center of a group of people. As you looked at him, time seemed to slow down. You could almost see him laughing in slow motion. You looked on with unblinking eyes until F/N snapped her fingers in front of your face.

"What was that for?" you snapped, a little annoyed.

"Go over and say hello, then!" 

"I can't! I'm going to avoid him this year. I'll just pretend I never saw him," you replied, taking a swig of whatever nasty drink was in your cup.

"Well, now that you know where he is, I doubt you'll be able to keep your eyes off him all night and he's bound to catch you at some point."

"I will not!"

"Yeah, alright, Y/N. Let's just go and dance some, okay? Maybe that'll get your mind off it."

The two of you danced most of the night in the sweaty air, but F/N had been right. You couldn't keep your eyes off of Tom and it was killing you that you wouldn't let yourself go over and even say hello. 

Soon enough, though, Haz gathered everyone in the den to start "Aud Lang Syne" and you knew this year's would be another Tom-kissless party. Well, you'd known it deep down, but there had been a small part of you that had been hoping. And when the song ended and people began pairing up, waiting for the clock to strike midnight, you found yourself alone once again. F/N had gone off with some guy she'd found attractive and you were left to sit on the arm of the sofa by yourself.

Everyone had someone to kiss but you. Tears pricked your eyes, so you downed what little was left of your drink. Yet another year gone by alone. It wasn't entirely your fault, you told yourself. Your standards had been ruined by Tom Holland. And speaking of...

"Hey," he greeted you softly, coming to stand by your side. "You okay? You didn't come to say hello tonight. I missed you." You looked up into Tom's eyes. He'd missed you? The old flutter had returned to your tummy, which made you sort of sad.

"Oh yeah, I guess I didn't see you, but I'm great!" you lied, fiddling with your cup.

"Yeah..." Tom replied, clearly guessing something was off. "Hey...I've been wanting to do this for ages but I just never got the courage so..." he scratched his neck awkwardly. Tom Holland? Awkward? Nervous? Was that even possible? "Would you like to be my New Year's Eve kiss, Y/N?" He looked at you hopefully. You nearly choked on your tongue.

"Me? I...YES!" You shouted, a smile splitting across your face. "Oh, God, I've been wanting you to ask me that since we were two years old!"

"Really?" Tom grinned widely as well. "Because I've been wanting to ask you that since then, too!" The two of you laughed for a minute at how shy the two of you had been. "Well?" Tom extended his hand for you. You took it and got up, standing before him.

"Three! Two! One!" The room shouted. At once, the clocks struck midnight. You leaned into Tom, felt his breath fanning your face. And then all at once, you were kissing. It was soft, perfect, something you would never forget.

"Happy New Year, Y/N."

"Happy New Year, Tom."

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