Our First Competition?

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Hello, loves! LuckyHolland here. 

I've been absolutely slammed lately and I haven't even had a second of time to myself, so I haven't been able to wish you all a happy holiday! I feel awful. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc. 

I had this idea, and I don't know if you'd think it would be fun or not, but I was thinking that maybe it's time we did a little competition! You all have from now until January 5th 2020 to write me your own drabble in a private message. The limit is 2000 characters, so make it as good as you can!!! On January 6th, I'll pick the winner. Whoever it is will have their drabble featured in this book and get a shoutout from me! 

This is a great opportunity for exposure if you're looking for that, so make sure to turn those in! But no smut please. Good luck and may the best drabble win!

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