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Day 10- Idol in suit

You were going through old boxes in your basement. You knew it needed to be done...some of those had been down there for over five years...but the entire time you were praying. Praying your worst fear wouldn't be realized. 

You see, you were absolutely 100% terrified of spiders. And they liked to hang out in basements. And you were barefoot. Perfect. 

So far you, you hadn't seen one, but you knew it would find you eventually. Your imagination ran wild with horrible-spider-filled situations and you tried to pick through everything as fast as you possibly could, shaking uncontrollably.

"Stop it, Y/N. You're going crazy," you whispered to yourself over and over. "It's okay. It's okay." You lifted one of the larger boxes out of the corner and something drew your eyes to where it had been. In its place was a MASSIVE spider. The size of a golf ball. It was lucky the box you were holding was just full of childhood stuffed animals, because you dropped it and ran screaming bloody-murder up the stairs.

Tom, who was on his phone at the counter, jumped up. "What? What is it? Is there someone down there?" He rushed over to you while you hopped up and down, shaking your limbs, trying to get the tickling feeling off of you.

"Sp-spider!" You whined helplessly. Tom made a face.

"Ew. Well it can't be that bad. Look...I'll grab a shoe and kill it for you, but you have to come with me." He offered.

"No! Don't go down there! It could have multiplied!" You shook your body from head to toe again. Tom shook his head. 

"Listen, even I'm  afraid of spiders, but I can still kill one. Come on." He grabbed your wrist and pulled you, whimpering back down the stairs and into the dark basement. You flipped the light switch and pointed Tom in the direction of the spider, cowering behind him as he searched for it.

"There. It's behind that box," you peeped. Tom Flipped over the box of your stuffed animals, shoe raised in his hand. You closed your eyes, unable to see the horrid thing once more, lest you have nightmares.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" You heard Tom scream. He never screamed. You opened your eyes. The spider had crawled on top of the box and was looking at you with all of its eight, beady eyes. 

"KILL IT!" You wailed at Tom.

"THAT THING IS BLOODY GIANT!" He shouted. The two of you raced up the stairs, collapsing on the ground at the top. You panted for what seemed like minutes. 

"So..." Tom started, completely out of breath, "We're staying over at Haz's for the next three weeks?" he asked you hoarsly.

"Yup," you replied, getting up to gather your stuff.

A/N: Hey, guys! LuckyHolland here. Hope you all are well. I just heard yesterday that Tom and Olivia split up. I hope he's alright...I mean with everything else going on, that's just icing on the torture cake for him. Are any of you doing the Pub Quiz he's put together for next Wednesday? I know I will be! You can find the details at thebrotherstrust.org or click the link down below! See you there.

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now