Last Night's Dream

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Day 22- Idol in glasses

Okay, so last night I had the strangest dream (lol please no tik tok jokes). Here's the gist of it, if you're interested.

So, my mum has a Centrfit suscription. If you don't know what that is, it's Chris Hemsworth's fitness program. And in this weird fever-dream (I had melatonin last night, and I always get loopy when I have melatonin), she was very angry with some aspect of Centrfit and decided to call headquarters about it.

Apparently, whatever she was angry about was pretty serious because Centrfit HQ decided to have her talk to Chris Hemsworth himself. At this point in the dream, I came into the room and my mum was on a FaceTime call with Chris Hemsworth himself. Curious about what was going on, I peered into the frame, and who else should be there but Tom Holland, who recognized me immediately somehow.

He ended up calling me separately to chat about a bunch of random stuff. It honestly felt pretty real, but I realized it wasn't when I woke up and didn't have Tom Holland's number in my contacts. 😂

So I am so, incredibly, utterly out of ideas. Pretty, pretty, PLEASE suggest things! I hate to just keep embarrassing myself here when I know I can do better.

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