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Day 2- Idol Selfie

After having such a terribly busy day at the office, all you wanted to do was crash on the couch, eat chips, and watch a movie. You had been constantly needed by every single co-worker and client all day and the only thing you needed was to be home. With Tom.

You creaked open the door, kicked off your heels, and threw your purse carelessly onto the floor. Just as you were about to flop onto the sofa, you were engulfed in a large hug.

"Hello, love!" Tom mumbled into your hair.

"Hi, baby," you yawned.

"Did your day get any better?" You had called Tom at lunch to rant about how busy you'd been, and clearly he'd remembered.

"Ha!" you snorted. "Not really."

"Well, I have a surprise for you," Tom told you, spinning you around and pushing you by your back into the large master bathroom the two of you shared.

"Oh!" You gasped. The lights had been dimmed, arrays of candles lighted, a plate of your favorite snacks balanced on the edge of the massive jacuzzi bathtub, and a stack of your favorite books next to that. What was more, the tub was filled with rose petals, some bubbles, and essential oils. "Tom, it's beautiful!" 

You turned around to kiss him. He smiled against your lips. "You sounded pretty stressed on the phone. I figured I'd help out." He shrugged humbly, but the small gesture meant everything to you.

"Thank you! Oh! I love you so much!" You hopped up and down, smiling widely. Tom chuckled.

"Well, I'll let you get on with it then," he told you, leaving the room and shutting the door quietly behind him. Withing a few minutes, you had stripped of your clothes, tied your hair up into a messy top knot, and sunk gently into the tub, a contented sigh escaping your lips.

You picked up the top book on the stack, popped a Cheez-It into your mouth, and just as you began to get lost in the pages of your book, the bathroom door whined open. You looked up to see Tom's face poking in.

"Well, hi there!" you laughed.

"Hello!" Tom said awkwardly. "I wanted to make sure you were happy."

"Well, I don't think I could be any happier, so mission accomplished," you answered with a sweet smile on your face.

"Is it that nice?"

"Oh, yes. It's just what I needed."


"Yes, darling."

"So you won't mind if I join you then?" Tom stepped into the bathroom, sliding off his shirt. You laughed.

"Not at all." 

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