What Now?

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Hello, all my lovelies. LuckyHolland here. As you know, this marks the end of my 30-day idol challenge. My original goal was to provide a boredom-breaker for myself, and I'm pretty sure I succeeded.

 It's crazy to think it's been a whole month already. It flew by. Anyhow, I just wanted to thank you all for your support. This has been a ride and I'm so sad it has to end. I want you all to know this is not the end of the story. I still have plenty more to tell you and I won't be stopping any time soon, but I did want to let you know what the future of my writing looks like from here on out.

At the moment, it's my end of term, so I have a million little trifles I have to take care of. I also feel as if I've been spending a lot of extra time on the computer lately and I would like to change that. So, I might be on hiatus for a little while. When I'll return depends on how I'm feeling. It could be a few days, maybe a week or two, maybe a month. I'm really not sure at this point, but I hope you all will support me in this decision.

When I do come back, however, I'm not sure what my posting schedule will be. I don't know if I will have a regular post schedule or if I should just update when I get inspiration. If you all could let me know what you think, as my readers, it would be greatly appreciated.

As usual, I love you all and owe everything to you, my readers.



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