Meeting Tom Holland...2 Days Later

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Day 19- Idol as a child (Funnily enough, I have a baby photo just like this)

Ah...Part 2. Well, finally, it was Saturday. My mum and I won the ticket lotto to Tom's panel at the con and I was completely psyched. So, we woke up at 4:30 in the morning to get dressed and ready, eat breakfast, and drive downtown. It took me a while extra to get myself ready, since I wanted to look nice for my photo op and I packed everything in a little backpack just in case I needed to touch up before the op (which was at 10:30).

We stood in line outside the covention hall for over an hour and a half. It was absolutely freezing outside since it was so early and much later in the year. When at last we were ushered inside for the panel, we all had to go through security checks and bag checks before we could choose our seats inside the theatre. The panel was supposed to start at 9:30, but it started late since Tom didn't get even there until 9:30. This was kind of disappointing because since my photo op was at 10:30 and the area I needed to be for that was all the way across the con, we had to leave the panel early. 

We ended up leaving at 10:15 and high-tailing it across the con to the restrooms, where I touched up my makeup, before getting in line for the photo op. My mum left me at the line entrance and told me she'd meet me afterwards. Everyone around was chattering about how nervous they were and everything they were going to do once they met Tom. I, meanwhile, was (almost eerily) calm. 

I think it was a really good thing that I was able to meet Tom the Thursday before so I could get all of the disbelief out of my system. And this time, I was determined to be able to have a real conversation with him. I wanted to show him I was not another one of those girls who cover their mouths and cry or don't say anything but "I love you" (which frankly, I find extremely creepy when people do, having never met the person before).

The man at the entrance to the booth led me inside. The light was almost blinding in there and Tom had the photographer playing music out of a little bluetooth speaker on one of the stools by the camera. As soon as I walked in, Tom came over to meet me (which, I noticed, he didn't do for the girl in front of me). 

Funnily enough, my mind was perfectly clear. My heartbeat didn't speed up or anything. "Hey!" Tom greeted me.

"Hi! It's great to see you again!" I told him, smiling brightly,

"It's great to see you again too!" Tom replied. He smiled at me, which just about made my life. My own smile could've split my face, though. That's how happy I was. HE REMEMBERED ME!!! TOM HOLLAND REMEMBERED ME!!!  Those were the thoughts racing through my mind, but I stayed completely collected. "How's your day been?" he asked me. We walked over to the photo stage.

"Great! How about you?" I asked him. 

"Great!" He told me. We took our pose for the photo. I wrapped my arm around his waist, he wrapped his around my shoulders. FLASH!  There went the photo. I was devastated that I had to leave, but really content with the experience I'd just had. and TOM HOLLAND REMEMBERED ME! 

As I walked out of the booth, I waved to him and said "Thank you!" with as much meaning as I could put behind it, hoping he would notice how much he and his work mean to me.

"No, thank you," He replied, waving back. And that was how I met Tom Holland the second time.

A/N: Happy Saturday, lovelies! Another true story about Tom and I last year. I hope you enjoyed it! It's still hard to believe that he remembered me. Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed since Part 1 seemed to be a hit. I love you all!


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